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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Benzo withdrawal - new member here


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I've joined this site as I would like support/mentoring to get me through post clonazepam withdrawal.


I was prescribed clonazepam by a previous GP for four years and in early this year I saw a new doctor who said I needed to come off them as my body had become addicted to them. Little known to me of course as I was following doctors orders.


I was taking 500mcg three times a day for all that time. I started withdrawal initially going to two times a day then once. Before going to half a tablet a day after a few weeks to a quarter and then none after another few weeks. During each period of reducing I suffered with extreme anxiety and paranoia, but this subsided after a few days. I tried to come off them completely in August but suffered a set back and had to go back on half a tablet a day for a week under professional advice. Since the start of September I have come of them completely but suffered from high anxiety again and bouts of paranoid thoughts. I'm not sure of it's me or the post withdrawal symptoms which I know can go on for ages. I'm really struggling with it but haven't taken a clonazepam in two months but feel restless, OCD, highly anxious, paranoid and frustrated as this is affecting me quite badly.

I want to know if this is normal side effects and how long it will go on for. Also is there like a mentoring person I can get to help reassure me or help in general?

I had to leave my job early in the year as I was suffering so badly. I just want my head back so I can focus clearly on a future for me.

I've been told on the intro forum page that the symptoms are normal and will subside but not knowing when is really causing me anxiety. I feel my mind is controlling me and some of the things I'm doing OCD wise are not normal but my mind is making me think they are.

I'm also taking venlafaxine since March 2014 and recently chlorpromazine but I'm hoping to talk to my doctor about stopping chlorpromazine as I don't think it agrees with me.

If anyone can help with advice or support id be grateful

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Hi, unfortunately your symptoms are normal for someone in acute (early) withdrawal, which usually happens in the first few months after jumping.  For some of us, the "mental" symptoms can be severe.But all this is only temporary.  You definitely will get better as time goes on.



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Thank you. I pray this happens soon. I'm taking a very low amount of chlorpromazine (up to 75mg) a day at the min plus my venlafaxine (150mg). I rarely take the full 75mg of chlorpromazine as I don't think or agrees with me. Seems to make me more anxious and paranoid! So I'm hoping to discuss with doc about coming off it. Only been on it three weeks.  Last thing I want is more withdrawal problems on another drug even if non benzo!
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