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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Benzodiazepine Withdrawal vs. plain old Anxiety returned


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Hey Guys,

    I have been off Clonazepam for 8 weeks Thursday. This was after a 2.5 year taper from 1.5 mg for 17 years.  I was doing FAIR for the first five weeks, the typical symptoms, but I have been feeling worse again for the past two weeks.  I went back to my psychiatrist, who didn't encourage me to quit in the first place and she wants to put me back on it WTF.  This has been the hardest thing I have EVER had to deal with.  I am so proud of myself for finally getting off this.  I am having real problems concentrating, memory is terrible and I now have some new morning/middle of the night Anxiety symptoms which I never had before.  Also, I'm an athlete and now I have muscle cramping that I think has caused Achilies Tendonitis with other hamstring and glut tightness/spasms.  I was originally dx with Generalized Anxiety years ago and I thought I was over it, but I guess not.  My question is, do the "windows" and "waves" come and go with no reason and get almost as bad as when you initially stopped completely.  I know that some of this is just anxiety because I have dealt with this before.  I just want to make sure that everything is going to be ok eventually...  I feel like I just need to be a little bit stronger and just breathe.  I know I am stronger than anxiety. It's just that psychiatrist haven't even heard of windows and just wants to give me more drugs.  I know I don't need them anymore.  Has anyone else experienced symptoms getting worse a few weeks in? I feel like all my energy just barely gets me through the day because I am fighting to just feel OK and get by.  This sucks.

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Hey Guys,

    I have been off Clonazepam for 8 weeks Thursday. This was after a 2.5 year taper from 1.5 mg for 17 years.  I was doing FAIR for the first five weeks, the typical symptoms, but I have been feeling worse again for the past two weeks.  I went back to my psychiatrist, who didn't encourage me to quit in the first place and she wants to put me back on it WTF.  This has been the hardest thing I have EVER had to deal with.  I am so proud of myself for finally getting off this.  I am having real problems concentrating, memory is terrible and I now have some new morning/middle of the night Anxiety symptoms which I never had before.  Also, I'm an athlete and now I have muscle cramping that I think has caused Achilies Tendonitis with other hamstring and glut tightness/spasms.  I was originally dx with Generalized Anxiety years ago and I thought I was over it, but I guess not.  My question is, do the "windows" and "waves" come and go with no reason and get almost as bad as when you initially stopped completely.  I know that some of this is just anxiety because I have dealt with this before.  I just want to make sure that everything is going to be ok eventually...  I feel like I just need to be a little bit stronger and just breathe.  I know I am stronger than anxiety. It's just that psychiatrist haven't even heard of windows and just wants to give me more drugs.  I know I don't need them anymore.  Has anyone else experienced symptoms getting worse a few weeks in? I feel like all my energy just barely gets me through the day because I am fighting to just feel OK and get by.  This sucks.


Hiya! I noticed myself getting worse at 6 weeks off. The first month and a bit just felt like rebound anxiety. I no longer feel anxious, but have all these symptoms of anxiety without panic.


I think it has to do with Clonazepam's half-life and the fact that it is the strongest of the benzos. It grips tight and doesn't wanna let go. Its a slow and steady beat down. Because you tapered, you should see relief soon.

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Hey Jes, Orion

I hope you feel better


I am at 6th week off and my state worsened couple of days ago. Having anxiety all day long and a lot of flu like sxs. Woudl love to stay in bed but have to work,(maybe it is better if not bedridden)


I had anxiety before benzos 10 years ago, but i had it on them as well. I believe the anxiety is aggrevated and more chemical than psychological during widthdrawal. Look at folks that never had anxiety (took benzos for sleep or pain) and havin panic attacks in w/d. It is crazy, but i guess that is the way it works.


CBT didnt affect that anxiety in my case, so i guess it is different than "regular"


Take care, we are already there and will recover soon


Good healing



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Congrats where you are! I started feeling bad in a week and went back to amitriptyline. A huge mistake. I just wasn't aware of the acute withdrawal as the term goes here. I wish I had been.


Read more what people have written here. You'll realize that this is just how it's supposed to be.

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You're going through w/d, and anxiety is a natural offshoot of that. Your psychiatrist doesn't sound knowledgeable about benzo w/d and the kindling effect that can occur from reinstatement and if you decided later on to taper again. That's most likely what would happen if you got back on the drug. It's more difficult to w/d subsequent times around. You've done an outstanding job of going through a long taper and being off for eight weeks!!  Although post-tapering has some really rocky roads and you're probably still in acute, I would urge you to stay off the drug. Gradually your anxiety will settle down. Benzo drugs cause an enormous burden on the body, and it takes time to completely heal it.
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I have my ups and downs.  Some days are tolerable some are really rough.  I'll keep you all posted as the weeks go on.  I wish you all strength in your recovery as well.  I am so happy to have found this site.  It is the reason I began the taper in the first place.  I wouldn't have made it this far without it.



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