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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Hi guys help please especially if u live in so cal


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They're own stuff basically since being down here ive go e to the county me tal health shstem total bust went to hoag who was going to refer me to st jos for pheno detox but then called st jos and found out they dont do that have been to kaiser and the pdoc was asking if ive ever had ect or would consider it. I'm still at 100 mgs librium and 35 mgs doxepin and still loosing weight and unable to keep it o im sure im in tolerence wd have called over 80 places even cedar siani said they closed down thier behaivioral health department in july 2012! I just keep getting the run around everywhere I go they either only take ppo insurance or they are a freestanding mh that does a 3-5 day detox, or like chapman they do 7 days but using valium which I tried a test dose of when I was up north. I feel stuck and scared a d have two little girls to look after. Hubby has his own mental health issues but luckily they are 't be zo related. He's doing a job remotely from here for a co. Up in oregon even kaiser was saying they can't provide the level of care I got up north due to lack of funding and the guy treating me currently is a resident!  I'm Just hoping and praying you might know of some good doctors or good resources that deal with complex cases. I'm Afraid if i tapper too slow or not at all Ill die from the pysical toll and massive weight loss, we have run tests thyroid, diabetes, hormone, blood count no one can figure out whats causing this weight loss i can eat whatever i want as much as i want and i just keep loosing weight im not even working out or anything. Ive gone from 240 lbs last year to 135 now i was a size 22 and now im a 10 havent been this skinny since high school. If I go through detox or fast tapper on such a high dose for almost a year now afraid ill go i sane or loose weight even more rapidly. I had gad, mdd, ptsd and panic disorder all before ever being on benzos last time i made it to 93 mgs and then was put in the mh up north by my caseworker up there. I've called and researched as much as i can but what im looking for is being able to be treated in a reg hospital since I have a history or seisures, and ive called around and they will take people off of alcohol, opiates, heroin but not benzos cause they consider them narcotics down here even the county doesn't have any resources. I Really need help and don't know where to turn down here. If you could offer any leads or reccomendations down here Id be very greatful. Ty - Mo2


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Mommyof2, I'm really sorry you're suffering so much. 


Can you stabilize on Librium? Do you have enough meds to do a slow taper?


I don't know anyone in California, but maybe other members will.  :smitten:

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Mommyof2, I'm really sorry you're suffering so much. 


Can you stabilize on Librium? Do you have enough meds to do a slow taper?


I don't know anyone in California, but maybe other members will.  :smitten:

I can stabilize on it but im at 100 mgs which is about the max anyone will go. Ive tried fast taper and slow taper before when I hit 93 I was bedridden and had to have caregivers. Librium only comes in 5 mg tablets at the lowest, so after one drop it's 5% and after 2 drops it's 10%. Why I hate this med so much, i had compound capsules made to make it to 93. Very med sensetive. But also dual diagnosis. I wish I never took this stuff I was able to come off ativan before no problem (used medicinal mj to combat the anxiety on that one) but with this librium it really doesn't work the same plus it's in your system 300 hours. I was loosing weight when I was tappering back in the summer ever since I have been on it really but with each drop there were times i was loosing 3 lbs a day. That's my fear now. That and no one really knows how to help me, husband isn't supportive and thinks it's all in my head. Has no idea what's going on with me when I taper or am in tolerence. Don't think my inlAws will really understand it either. The dp/dr depression and anxiety i went through just dropping that much totally wrecked me. I Don't want to spend the holidays a wreck I mean I currently have pain in my hip sockets I was afraid to be left alone incase I passed out on my kids, fell a few times bruse easily was waking up in night terrors screaming. But Ive got to do something I want off the meds but I don't want to die in the process. I have most symptoms people only get when they jump. Wish I had a time machine wish I wasn't kindling. Wish I had the strength to make it through all of this but after this last year feel like Ive had all the strength sucked out of me. :'(

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Larry Momaya MD

3150 Bristol Street

Suite 400

Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626


Called the office left a message ty benzogirl where did you get this refference from?

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Ty Benzo girl called these people they want 4,000 bucks for a three day process that basically first day they ask you questions about your history, the 2nd day they have you take cbt and other tests like brain imaging and the third day they have the Dr. Consult you about treatment. Wish I had the money for it. Ty so much. any other ideas?
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Larry Momaya MD

3150 Bristol Street

Suite 400

Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626


Called the office left a message ty benzogirl where did you get this refference from?


A friend of mine sees him.

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Larry Momaya MD

3150 Bristol Street

Suite 400

Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626


Called the office left a message ty benzogirl where did you get this refference from?

For benzo issues? I really appreciate it benzogirl, thr more I know the more I can figure out if he would be able to help me and how to come up with the $$ for it. Ty Mo2


A friend of mine sees him.

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Larry Momaya MD

3150 Bristol Street

Suite 400

Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626


Called the office left a message ty benzogirl where did you get this refference from?

For benzo issues? I really appreciate it benzogirl, thr more I know the more I can figure out if he would be able to help me and how to come up with the $$ for it. Ty Mo2


A friend of mine sees him.



Does your friend see him for benzo issues? Or dual diagnosises? Any information would be really helpful benzogirl ty!  Mo2

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Ty Benzo girl called these people they want 4,000 bucks for a three day process that basically first day they ask you questions about your history, the 2nd day they have you take cbt and other tests like brain imaging and the third day they have the Dr. Consult you about treatment. Wish I had the money for it. Ty so much. any other ideas?


I should have suspected that much, since my friend is RICH! But they got her off the benzos out patient with a taper that she decided on. Even I wouldn't pay that price, tho I did have a charge of $50,000 for a 30-day stay at the Cleveland Clinic, which ended up in disaster and reinstatement. Lucky for me my insurance paid for the whole thing. But they did a C/T off me, rather than a taper. I'll keep checking around. Good luck in the meantime.  :smitten: Bets

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