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Feeling sick (flu-like), any remedies?


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Like flu sick.  I don't think I've had this my entire taper.  All my muscles ache and even my eyes and teeth hurt!  Slightly nauseous too, no appetite.  I'm at the very bottom of my taper at the point where I should probably jump, but I just don't know yet with everything going on.  Are there any remedies for this flu stuff?
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Hi goonie,

Two thoughts come to mind. First, maybe you DO have the flu! This is flu season, and theres several going around. Second, there is a symptom of withdrawal we call "Benzo flu." People have all the symptoms of flu but they do not have a virus. Because benzos affect every single part of the body, flu-like symptoms are possible.


My suggestions would be to check your temperature several times. If its normal....great! Treat your symptoms jusat like you would if it WAS flu - low dose pain relievers (Tylenol or ibuprofen), rest, fluids, healthy diet. These things work even if it is "just" a withdrawal symptom.


Hope you feel better real soon...



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Thanks East!  I don't have the actual flu, no fever or chills, must be benzo flu.  I'm just gonna do what you said and rest, drink ensure and gatorade for awhile as really don't feel like eating much.  God my head hurts.  It's like a constant ice cream headache without the ice cream.
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I had this a lot, goonie, during tolerance w/d and during my taper.  About 3 weeks after jumping, I had a really bad episode which lasted about 4/5 days - just as you describe it, the ice cream headache, and I was so weak I could barely climb on to my bed.  I also got low grade fevers a lot.  After the last post-jump bout, it started subsiding very nicely and I rarely get them at all now!    :thumbsup:


Take it easy, feel better!



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Thanks abcd, I'm assuming there's nothing we can do about the ice cream headache other than hope it goes away, huh?  I've had it for quite awhile now, most of this year in fact.  Some days it goes away, but it always comes back.  I need to stop the Valium, but scared to hell as I'm already so bad off.
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Ha, if the nurse says so, then maybe I will.  Maybe I could give myself a real ice cream headache to mask the fake one for a few seconds.  That'd make a lot of sense.
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Thanks abcd, I'm assuming there's nothing we can do about the ice cream headache other than hope it goes away, huh?  I've had it for quite awhile now, most of this year in fact.  Some days it goes away, but it always comes back.  I need to stop the Valium, but scared to hell as I'm already so bad off.


I doubt the dose you are on is doing any help. Why not take the plunge and be over and done with this?

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I've heard that a good remedy for a bad headache or migraine, is to deliberately cultivate a brain freeze.  I've tried, but can't do it!  :idiot:


What did work for me was to lie in a shallow bath with water as hot as I could handle it, so it covered my head and most of my face.  Brings relief for some reason, albeit only temporarily.  Then I'd lie down with an ice pack under my neck and a hot pack on my forehead (you can switch it up and see which works best for you).  That helped quite a bit and with luck you may doze off.


Oh, and chicken soup always helps!  Lol.


Failing that, and I hate to recommend meds, but for very bad cases I had to reach for a Tylenol 1 (w/codeine).


I don't know much about Valium, but if you are on a super low dose already and just afraid of the big jump, I'd encourage you to consider taking the plunge soon.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:



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I'll be jumping soon I'm sure.  I just wish I were more stable so I could be more confident about it.  I'm in so much pain, mostly head stuff.  Thanks for the suggestions, I'll be trying all of them.  Does the Tylenol 1 actually help?  Never had codeine before.
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It helps me a LOT, but I only save it for very bad headache days.  Other BBs take Excedrin, you might want to try that first.

I'm also in a lot of pain and quite often, otherwise I would've tried to just tough it out.

I was in tolerance w/d so never "stabilized" throughout my taper.  If you are able to stabilize though, it's always preferred! 

Take care, Goonie, and good luck!


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Chiming in because I get flu-like symptoms. Including sensation that my eyes are bulging. Had them checked and pressure in eyes was fine, along with healthy optic nerve. But what concerns me is the swollen neck and pain under jaw. That too has been checked out. So stop worrying? I'm supposed to ice and take NSAIDs if possible. I can't do NSAIDs. I'd trade this for, let's say, itchy hands. But alas, I have no real choice in choosing my withdrawal symptoms. Hope you weather the symptoms. Best thing is like someone said, treat yourself like you have flu. I'm hunkered. Down in bed.
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I felt like I had the flu for months when taking lorazepam. Now at 58 days c/t the flu feelings are gone. The lung pain is nearly gone. Just be good to yourself. Have you tried ginger for your stomach? I make ginger tea by cutting fresh ginger root and adding hot water and honey. You can keep the ginger root in the freezer and just peel and cut off what you need.  This way the root doesn't dry out and shrivel up.  The tea is better than from bags.
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