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Increase The Dose And Start From Scratch?


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Would it be beneficial to increase the Xanax dose back to 1 mg per day and begin the taper again, with much better knowledge of how to do it?  Doctor may fight this though since I think he is spooked and is limiting me to .5 mg once a day.
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Sheesh, tough doctor! Sorry to hear about that. Listen is there a way to find another doctor to help you with this? If not and you cannot get medication to continue your taper at your original dose. Then what I would do personally, and I can only speak for myself. I would tell him I am not tapering. many desperate people on here have had to do this when they have no support from their doctors and cannot get a new one. It removes the fear of being cut off or tapered to fast for your own good as you have already had done to you. That way you have a steady supply of 0.5mg to taper with at your own pace.


When did you cold turkey and what was the time frame between reinstating and is it helping at all to relieve some of the symptoms?


I would personally hold until I felt stable enough to taper again. Wait til the vertigo lets up a bit and you feel better.  If in a month or so that doesn;t happen, then maybe you can look at going back up to 1mg and starting over....However there is always the risk that it will not relieve the symptoms. If only a few days or a couple of weeks have passed since your cold turkey, you may be able to just go back and resume your 1mg dose with symptomatic relief. Although I am confused as in your signature it says you took .5mg daily and not 1mg....



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Thank you so much for your reply.


Doctor had me on two .5 mg tablets per day when I went off it.  Since I've had the Vertigo problems I suspect he won't let me go back up to 1 mg per day so one .5 per day may be the best I can get from him.


I think I will just hold at .5 and see if Vertigo lets up.  Am scheduled for physical therapy this week and am hoping for some results from that.


Splitting the tablet for .25 mg at noon and .25 mg evening.  Seems to work best for me.


Thank you so much for your informative response.  I would never have believed I could cause myself so much trouble, but a life lesson learned.

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