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On & off severe Depression feel it in my head??


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I will feel this strange feeling in the back of my head. It's very hard to explain but it's like that's where my depression is. When I feel it I feel depressed and the feeling in my head can come on very strong and that's when I get this SEVERE depressed feeling. I don't want to move or have any interest in even talking it's such a horrible feeling it over takes me. It lasts for about 20 minutes but the feeling can come back mildly. Anyone experience something like this? People have told me it's an anxiety attack but I've had anxiety attacks and I'm not under adrenaline it's more so no emotion but complete despair
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i was reading your first post....

i also get cold aura migraines.....

today i was hit very bad with head pain,,,,

i feel like my brain is an open wound,,,,

when i red your description of depression i realised that this shity feeling this evening

is due to my depression and you coined it so well,,,for me it feels like  at the back of my head....


so you are not alone with your depression symptom...


take care

eva :smitten: :smitten:

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I had that exact problem, Karibre, especially in my second month. It's a despair beyond despair, and I could do nothing but lay on my bed until it passed. It's a little better now. I hope you get some relief soon.
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