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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Hi everyone


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1. I joined because I have been on Xanax and klonopin for 30 years.

2.dose: 1.5mg of kloponin daily. 1 mg before going to bed and 1/2 in the morning.

3. I am just starting to taper off and it has caused a lot of anxiety.

I need help in how to  completely get  rid of it. 

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Hello, naturelover150,


Welcome to BenzoBuddies, an informative and supportive forum for people wishing to get off of a benzodiazepine.

Please take some time to create a signature, as this helps other members know more about you. Here is the link:




Withdrawal from a benzo can be quite challenging, as the symptoms can involve every part of the body - and mind. Here is a link to our Withdrawal section, where you will find suggestions on how to cope with your symptoms:




Anxiety is a very common symptom of benzo withdrawal. We have an entire section devoted to this subject:




Professor Heather Ashton is considered the foremost authority on benzo withdrawal. She ran a clinic for many years, and has written about the subject widely. Here is a link to The Ashton Manual:




I am glad you found us and hope you join in. I was on various benzos for 30 years, too. And I went off cold turkey, which is never advisable but I didn't have a choice. And I survived, and you will too.






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  • 5 months later...
Good luck!  I think this place is great with tons of info.  I am like you trying to figure out how to move forward.  Keep us posted on your progress!
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Welcome  :) Unfortunately anxiety is a fair common symptom of withdrawal. Perhaps you are tapering too quickly. The best way to minimize symptoms is to do a slow careful taper. The recommended reduction rate is 5 to 10 percent every two weeks. We have quite a few people here who took them for decades who have tapered off. Let us know how we can support you best. Again welcome. It is always nice to have a new member!


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