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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

6 months of freedom


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I just passed the 6 month mark without even realizing it. I am not 100% healed, but I have my life back. I hardly ever think about benzos anymore. Sometimes I forget that I was ever on them. It all seems like a distant memory now that continues to fade away.


My worst remaining symptom is dp/dr, which is basically 24/7. Lately, though, I have begun to have brief moments where it feels like it goes away for a bit, so that is encouraging. Occassionally, I get cortisol rushes in the morning, but not as bad as before. Compared to the devastating symptoms that I dealt with during my taper, the stuff I'm dealing with now is nothing.


As  I said, I finally have my life back again. I sleep 8 hours every night, I go to the gym every day, I socialize, I travel, etc. I can tolerate caffeine and alcohol in moderation again.


Folks... I know you hear it all the time, but I need to say it again: YOU WILL HEAL. Don't let your benzo-brain tell you any different. None of this is permanent. Everyone heals at a different speed, but we all get there eventually. Just hang in there!



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Thank you so much for this Benzotron! ...happy to hear you have your LIFE back!!!!!!!!!..very promising .....I m hoping to write something similar someday.....anything that you ve done that you feel has helped your recovery??...sounds like your D/R is dissipating as well...great news ..thanks again..!! :thumbsup:
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