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Ear pressure, stuffed, slight pain


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I have had ear problems. They started a month ago. Increased tinnitus, hyperacusis (sensitivity to certain sounds) and this uncomfortable feeling in ears. This all started very suddenly, maybe hyperacusis had been developing for some time.


I am holding now, has been about ten days. I want to see if any of this will go over or ease. So far it hasn't. I also don't want to risk to make them even worse. I have a hard time handling this how it is now.


Anybody had this stuffed ear stuff? Did it ever go away?

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I have all of the same sincer started taper. I am 6weeks off completley and still have it. I went to an ENT and he didnt think I had any issues, except nasal allergy. It started suddenly a week into taper. Does it sometimes feel like you have fluid in them?
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Yes, like water you mean? Yes. But I think eventually this will pass or ease. But I still have to taper and I admit I am scared it will get worse. That's why I'm holding right now.
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