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One off updose during taper? Is it OK? Help!


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Hi All,

I am down to .25mg liquid taper of lorazepam.

Last night, I had to sample a new brand, and cut the tablet to somewhere between .25mg and .5mg. This was a one off.

Is it alright to return to my .25mg liquid taper tonight of my old brand?

I started this benzo to treat newly onset tinnitus. I am so scared it is going to make it worse.

Thanks, Everyone!


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Thanks, went back down to where I was in my liquid taper. It was OK.

But when I had updosed that one night to try a dry cut of the new med (as my old brand will not be available soon), a new high pitched tinnitus started, and has stayed with me two days later. Argh. So upset.

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That high tone tinnitus created by that one off brand change of lorazepam that one night is still there, and I am not sleeping even more now. Surely this is not going to last forever? Argh.
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