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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Xanax withdrawal?


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I have been taking xanax for some years, on and off, occassionally, at low dose, .25 or sometimes .50.  Most recently I would take it about 3 -5 times a week, often during the night.  I am working with a nutritionist who recommended this site and who is helping me with anxiety.  Last week I only took it twice (.25).  I am experiencing anxiety, headaches, and insomina (nothing too horrible).  I would to stop taking the xanax all together.  Is this wise, or should I do some kind of taper, and what would that be, since I am taking such a low dose? Also, are my symptoms from withdrawal or part of my anxiety?     
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Hello sw18,


Welcome to BenzoBuddies.


We're glad you joined us.  Smart decision to consider stopping your as-needed dosing of Xanax.


Although we can't say for certain if the symptoms you are experiencing are related to Xanax withdrawal, what I can say is that I have known many as-needed dosers who dosed in a similar pattern as you who report similar symptoms.  I believe these might very well be what we call interdose withdrawal symptoms beginning to emerge.


The as-needed dosers I tapered with where primarily every other night dosers.  They continued their dosing pattern of every other night as they slowly tapered down on their dose.  But I believe if I were in your shoes, since you only dosed 2X within the last 7 days, I believe I would try just stoping to take any additional Xanax and see how this goes.  Xanax is very short acting so I believe if I could go 4 days without dosing, I could go without the med all together.    


Enjoy the board, good luck and please continue posting for support.


Here are some helpful links:


The Ashton Manual.  


Withdrawal Support, (during your taper) 


General Taper Plans 


Please Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again, welcome!


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Hi sw18,

Benzos are serious buisness, meant for short term use. (3-4 weeks)

a sensible taper is the correct way to come off, our members will advise

and give you plenty of support.


i would join the Xanax group.




How do Benzos affect the brain ?



warm welcome from me too ,

and all the best

Claudia. :smitten:

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Thanks for your replies.  I am inclined to not taking anymore, and seeing what happens.  I am also having digestive problems, which I am very prone to anyway.  When I was on lexapro a few years ago for about a year, when I went off I had terrible digestive problems, and lost a lot of weight, which I could not afford.  I hope that will not be the case with stopping the xanax.


Also, I am curious Juliea, about the every other night dosers that you mentioned.  Were they having anxiety every other night?  I have had periods where I would be anxious every other day, and no one was able to explain why.

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