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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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Hey All, I've barely even started my taper, I'm still feeling all the withdrawals though and it's awful. I've gotta ask, are random heart palpitations/shortness of breath a symptom? I mean im just sitting watching tv and all of a sudden they hit, without any prior anxiety or any other symptoms... Please tell me i'm not having a heart attack and it's just withdrawal... I literally juts finished wearing a 24 hour holter monitor cause this has been going on for a few months.. I can take it anymore, just need some good words. Thanks.



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Hi Kpinpoison :hug:



You will get through this, hang in there.  I had all the symptoms before tapering, due to tolerance.  Its always best to check these symptoms out with the doctor..just for peace of mind, here is what Ashton says about it:


Heart and lungs. Palpitations, pounding heart, rapid pulse, flushing, sweating, and breathlessness are usual accompaniments of panic attacks, but may occur without panics. They do not signify heart or lung disease but are simply the expression of an overactive autonomic nervous system. Slow deep breathing and relaxation, as described under panic attacks, can do much to control these symptoms. Do not worry about them: they would be accepted as normal if you were running for a bus, and will do no more harm than if you really were!


Ashton Manual



Keep moving forward best you can, it does get better


Magrita :hug:


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Thanks so much for your reply, it really boggles my mind what these little pills can do to us... I'm glad i found this site though.
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Hi Kpinpoison! I am in the same road, Due to tolerance without knowing, i had lots of tests for heart and brain done, everything negative. Now that I am tapering, Even I had other sympthoms, in general I feel (so far) better than before my cuts. In my opinion, you also may feel a bit better, or at least some of your symptoms are going to go away for others symptoms to appear...if you decide to start your taper, do it very slow and very little cuts...I made horrible mistakes as you can see in signature...I am sure you are going to be fine by tapering in a safe way! :)
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I'm sorry you're having a hard time. This stuff is awful. I hope you get some relief soon. Just remember what others have said about being careful not to cut too much.





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Had heart monitor too. And every time I went to ER they said it was anxiety causing the palps and pounding heart. Finally started believing I didn't have an underlying issue other than Klonopi tolerance and withdrawal. It's good to know, so you can do your best to be with the symptoms, breath through them, Knowing they will pass can be a small comfort. Sorry you are going through this.
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Thanks everyone i really appreciate all the responses, its crazy that all this can happen from benzos, you feel fine one minute and the next without any panic you're heart feels weird. It's that stuff that i hate the most, at least when it hurts during an attack i know what its from. It's good to hear i'm not going crazy though, thanks guys!



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