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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

So I went to my Dr today... Heart palps and feeling heartbeat behind eyes


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Just a normal appointment I had scheduled for blood work I had done a few weeks ago. My doc Just wanted to know what my triges were. Anyways I spoke with him about some of the symptoms I have been feeling, like the heart palpitations I have been having during digestion as well as sometimes being able to feel my heart beat behind my eyes where I can sometimes almost see the impressions of small veins. I have pegged this to be apart of stress due to my job and doubt its anything serious but I am having it all check anyways.


He had me do an EKG today which came out normal, going to be doing a treadmill test next friday and the week after will be doing the Holter monitor thing, http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/003877.htm

Heres a link in case anyone wants to read about it or doesn't know what it is.


Im sure everything will be normal, Im 24 years old so I doubt I have heart problems other than my high blood pressure which Im medicated for.


Has anyone else dealt with these issues?


On a side note he doesnt think I am going through benzo withdrawal, I didnt press the issue with him.  :tickedoff:


I have also been looking for another less stressful job. My job has really been stressing me out, its going to be hard taking a pay cut from where I am at now, but I paid all my debt off 2 years ago and can survive off a lesser paying job in automotive instead of aviation. Just the fact I wont be commuting 2 hours a day should help alot.

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Hi Hank,

yes i had it all checked after my detox, everything came back fine. its  amazing what these

pills can do to us.

i would also advise to get a blood test done for Vitamin-D and Selenium. a defficiency

is not optimal.


Another thing made me wonder, your blood pressure. according to your signature

you started taking Klonopin in August 2013 , BP meds in October .


in my case the Benzo was the cause for high and low  BP, mine is all back to normal,

no more med needed. would be quite interesting to see what happens in your case.

all the best. :)

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It wouldnt surprise me if my BP was caused by the benzos at this point as so many other issues I have been having I have linked it to. It just sucks at 24 having to even consider the possibility of heart problems...
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Your doctor may not understand benzodiazepine withdrawal but we do. I had very high blood pressure while I was on benzos for over a decade, even with medications. Now that I am off benzos my blood pressure is normal. Congrats on being debt free at your age. That is quite the accomplishment. I hope you have good luck in finding a less stressful job.
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