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Lexapro making anxiety worse


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Has anyone used lexapro? My doc gave this to me for anxiety, i also take propranolol. I took it for the first time today and it made my anxiety worse. Increased heart rate, more depressed than usual, feeling of hostility. Everytime i try an ssri, i always get similar reactions and end up stopping the meds within 2-3 days max. Ive heard that it takes about 4 weeks to get the positive effects and that it will get worse before better, is that true. I just dont see how that makes sense and ive pretty much given up on ssri's, every single one makes me feel like cr*p after the first time taking it and i can not go through what i went through earlier for another 4 weeks. It makes me not want to talk to anyone and just want to be left alone. Any input?
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I don't believe I ever took one for more than a few days, max.  They were just far too enhancing.  I recall the first one, Prozac, more than any of the others though they all had similar effects.  I was bouncing off the walls.  In fact, I had been clean for almost two years and after taking one pill within an hour was taking one of my girlfriend's mother's Valium.


They were crazy pills for me, more so than any of the other psych drugs I had trials with, and there were a lot of them.  Almost all them short trials, so I got out fairly unscathed as far as the polydrugging went.


I've always wondered how it is that others respond well to them.  Very different chemistry's I guess.

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I think the startup of any AD is unpredictable.  I was first given Celexa a number of years ago and by the second day had to stop taking it because I was out of my mind with anxiety.


When my doctor Rx'd Lexapro as a replacement for the Celexa, the startup was relatively easy from what I remember.

The withdrawal was not.  I tapered it but had brain zaps for many months afterwards. 

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Feel much better today, didn't take it. I agree that they all make me feel similarly terrible. I just figured that since the doc said it would help with anxiety, I'd give it a shot. But I'm tired of testing out meds, I feel my body's just gets the worst of most meds.



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Two yrs ago I was put on Lexapro and xanax, and it was just to be for 3 months to help me better cope with what my daughter was putting me through.  But after 2 weeks of the Lexapro...the adverse reactions I suffered were far worse than what my daughter was putting me through.  Went off cold turkey and suffered severe withdrawals. 


This summer I was put on propranolol for my migraines, which did help with my migraines, and helped take the edge off the withdrawal symptoms from the xanax, but made me sooooo tired.  BUT...you have to wean off propranolol as well.  Its a beta blocker and you can have rebound effects from just stopping it, such as racing heart rate, high blood pressure...so talk to your doctor if you consider coming off the propranolol.  I was only taking it for migraines, not a heart condition or high blood pressure.  For me, I will just deal with the migraines the way I use to over dealing with the fatigue.


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I was on Prozac many years ago, while going through a divorce, and it worked wonders for me.  Really helped my depression.


My doc tried to put me on it again in 2012, and it was horrible.  Made me feel extremely speedy and even more anxious than I already did.  I had to stop taking it.


It may depend on the AD and the reason why one is placed on it, as to how good or bad it will effect you.



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I take lexapro.  The first few weeks are hard but it gets easier.  I've been on it a month now and it has really helped my anxiety.  I just increased it to 20 mgs last week and it was rough for a few days.  But it always passes.  At least for me.  You just have to give it time while your body adjusts.

Take care...

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The propranolol did help me for about 2 weeks but I felt that I needed a higher dose to lower my heart rate, about 50mg. I heard the propranolol wasn't addictive and didn't have withdrawal symptoms, but after 2 weeks of taking it, I ran out and I did feel minor withdrawal symptoms such as increased anxiety, agitation, mood swings, hard to fall asleep and this is all worse than normal as I have those symptoms from post acute withdrawal symptoms. My doc increased my dose, but I decided not to take it everyday as he stated. I threw away the lexapro, i just can't deal with it making me feel worse before better. If it works for ya, that's great but I'm tired of testing out all these meds. I'm just gonna tough it out. I'm almost at the 6 months mark, although I've had about 5 relapse. I don't feel that the relapse sets me back to day one, it's more like it puts my progress on hold for a few days following the relapse but I feel a lot better now than I did 3 months ago. No more meds for me.
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