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Throat symptoms?


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Been having less and less symptoms but this one is a bit worrisome...


My throat feels raw , slightly scratchy no cold , I can swallow fine but feels plugged and like I'm being choked hard to explain .. It's like pressure from my voice box area , I clear my throat a lot  there's stinging  and my tongue is also sore ... Feels like suffocating , it's tolerable ..kind of but can get pretty bad at times .


Anyone have throat issues ?

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My throat feels the same way, but I have had a throat surgery, so it might be residue from that.  I have constant excess saliva in my throat and I keep trying to clear it but the clogged feeling doesn't go away.  I'm waiting to recover from all the drugs I've been on to see if it goes away or not.  I've read other posts where people complain about sore throat during a wave.



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Thank you I did find a post on another board that described it exactly how i feel it ... Best suggestion was acceptance and water .. It has eased up but I'm still struggling a bit with it still
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I have a hard time swallowing. Its like I have a lump in my throat or mucous. Sometimes I have to concentrate on swallowing just to do it. I also choke on food from time to time.
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I had a similar symptom. I would wake up with a scratchy and sore throat every single morning where previously I never had any issues. I would also be clearing my throat constantly throughout the day but could never seem to alleviate the congested feeling in my throat. Initially I thought it might just be acid reflux. My doctor said it was post-nasal drip and prescribed Flonase and asked me to take Claritin as well. This cleared up about a month after I stopped taking Ativan.
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Do you have GERD? I do and my reflux has gotten very bad lately - not sure if from withdrawal or not.  It felt like you describe and I lost my voice for about two months. 
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Just posted in this. Mine is mostly on one side. It also kinda hurts in my ear or burns a little when I swallow. I'm too worried because its one sides. It been here for months. My tongue feels weird on one side too. Sometimes it feels like something is on the right side of the back of my tongue. Weird huh.
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