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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Hair Loss


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So for the past few months my hair  has been shedding like crazy.  I normally shed fairly regularly, but this is an insane amount.  There is hair everywhere... I've even mentioned it to the doctor and she passed it off as nothing because it wasn't "coming out in clumps".  So I am thinking it might be a withdrawal symptom... or maybe just a delayed reaction from my body to all the stress it went through with the actual tapering. 


Does anyone else have hair loss?  Or any tips on how to put an end to it?


I just dyed my hair today using Henna... I have heard that it is good for your hair and am hoping maybe it does something for the loss as well.  I realize the loss is likely coming from inside my scalp at the roots, but hey... worth a shot!

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That is happening to me too! I did not realize it at first because I have a ton of hair and I was so sick I was not washing it regularly. It started to get really noticeable at about 7 months out for me and hair is everywhere, just like you said. I just got tested for hypothyroidism because my lasting physical symptoms are all classic symptoms of that disorder, so if the tests come back negative I will accept that this really does happen in withdrawl. My nails are finally getting stronger and my skin still has days where it is fine one minute and then bam! goes completely dry...but this is getting better, too. I just keep telling myself it is only hair and it will grow back, but benzo withdrawl has obliterated what was left of my vanity for sure. Good luck!
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I have been xanax free for a week now after 30 years of taking it,And all thru my taper I had my hair fall out also.My hair is still falling out but not as bad sense ending my taper and being xanax free.        Froggy(Toni)
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A hairdresser recently told me that the hair on the right side of my head is thicker than the left. I've noticed thinning near my forehead on the left side. I have no idea when it'll start growing out again. On the other hand, my hair is shiny and smooth again like it used to be way before benzos.
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I am noticing posterior thinning and I have really thick hair.  I even asked the person who cuts my hair and she said it's starting to thin but not that bad.  I don't know if this is w/d or not because I am starting to get older (late 30s).  Perhaps it's age combined with the stress of taper and w/d. I'm considering Rogaine but I don't want to introduce something toxic om a daily basis.
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My hair started falling out a couple months after I stopped the klonopin.  I lost at least 1/3 of it.  It all grew back.  Yes, this is from withdrawal and yes it grows back.
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So for the past few months my hair  has been shedding like crazy.  I normally shed fairly regularly, but this is an insane amount.  There is hair everywhere... I've even mentioned it to the doctor and she passed it off as nothing because it wasn't "coming out in clumps".  So I am thinking it might be a withdrawal symptom... or maybe just a delayed reaction from my body to all the stress it went through with the actual tapering. 


Does anyone else have hair loss?  Or any tips on how to put an end to it?


I just dyed my hair today using Henna... I have heard that it is good for your hair and am hoping maybe it does something for the loss as well.  I realize the loss is likely coming from inside my scalp at the roots, but hey... worth a shot!


During my first withdrawal my hair feel out in clumps as well. I hated combing my hair or even showering. At the same time I lost a ton of weight. I just couldn't eat. I don't know if my hair loss was because of the weight loss and lack of nutrition. Finally after about three months I started to eat and my hair stopped falling out. It has been 2.5 years since that withdrawal and once again my hair is thick.

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Though tolerance w/d I lost hair, then it would grow back thick, then lose it again.  Since c/t of K about month 2 it started falling out in droves.  Hair was literally all over the floor when I would comb it after a shower.  I was a little paranoid because my hair is very fine, although normally thick.  It got very thin on sides and on top, it was embarrassing.  Good news is the shedding for me only lasted about 4-6 weeks, it's now growing back and even my hairline is extending in it's growth.  It's not back to pre-benzo status yet, but as fast as it's thickening up, shouldn't be much longer.  I also take a hair, nails & skin supplement, that's helping I can tell.  It grows lightning, freakishly fast, has all throughout w/d.  Nails same thing, and toenails.  Freaked me out at first. 



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