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I'm starting to think I'm a hypercondreak


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Any little pain or weird feeling I'm thinking the worst I'm my own worst enemy right now and I'm feeling lost and alone at times has anyone had these feeling and they get better my doc thinks I'm crazy. And she thinks everything is from anxiety I think she is over looking what I'm even asking her about.oh it's anxiety is what she says. Please does anyone have this problem.i stoped taking my last pill about 3 months ago and is possible  things are getting worse.any input would be very helpful
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I would say... your doctor is probably right.  S/he might have phrased a bit nicer, but you are describing heightened anxiety... which is itself a major symptom of benzo withdrawal.  Have faith that you ARE okay and things ARE going to get better.


Also... the word is "hypochondriac" :)

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I agree with emotionshateme. Being a  bit hypochondriac seems to be very much a part of benzo withdrawal for many people. And it comes from anxiety and fear, which are rampant in withdrawal. I would suggest that if you are "researching" your symptoms on the internet (looking for possible diagnoses) that you stop doing this. It will only lead you to more fear and worry. I would also suggest that you do some reading on what actually causes our symptoms, because understanding this will ease some of your fear.



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