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What the heck Pure OCD pure O!?!?


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Okay I'm about sick of this and drained, so getting stuck and focused on my breathing was getting better and starting to fade away! Then all of a sudden last night watching a show I got the thought of what if I get focused on my blinking well soon as that happened yup you guessed it I got stuck focusing on my blinking and have been doing it since last night this is horrible and just to think was was staring to feel better and it's like my brain is saying okay not so fast here is something else to throw you off or to focus on!! Anyone have any help or anything like this occur to them??
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That happened to me for one day. Focus on your task, but blink and breathe. But put the task at hand first. Just breathe and blink secondary. It helps loads.
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Holy I wasn't going to post about this but the other day I found myself blinking nonstop while reading.  It's almost like my brain couldn't tell my eyes to stop.  So I took a deep breath and said "okay I'll stop if I blink 5 more times" and eventually it stopped.  I have compulsive OCD(ie. washing, perfection) but this physical act is new to me.  I hope its all a stage of healing.
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