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I can't do this anymore!


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I thought so. Well, that's good, isn't it? Knowing you are okay should reassure you. It means that your fears are withdrawal based, and maybe you can relax a little. Fear is such a part of withdrawal for many people.



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30 months and I am still wishing to die! I can't eat anything or dink anything....I am so tired of pain.


Why cant you eat or drink? Stomach issues? Try a meal replacement like Ensure. Also, as for the pain, I've heard that Epsom salt baths help the nerve pain. Not a cure, but it eases it

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I think Epsom Salts are high in magnesium and we absorb magnesium through the skin. Didn't help me, but that doesn't mean anything.


You have to try to eat and drink. I agree with Orionbash: try something like Ensure or Boost. Also, eating yogurt might be easier - make sure it has active cultures in it.



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