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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

How do I know if my multitude of illnesses are from clonazepam and temazepam


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I'm taking cozaar, colace, pepcid, clonazepam, temazepam and lyrica.  I'm tapering off of cymbalta and going back onto prozac.  I have several children who are debating whether my multitude of new anxiety issues are related to  cymbalta or the two benzos. 


My doctor says I did not have this anxiety problem when I was on prozac, so he is putting me back on prozac. 


A couple of months ago, I also reduced from 1.0 to .5 of clonazepam twice a day.


I am waking with panic attacks, my stomach is constantly in a knot, I am pacing the floors, I don't want to go out, I cry, I'm anxious, my arms are tingling. 


How do I identify the problem.  My kids are fighting constantly over my drugs.

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Those are textbook benzo withdrawal symptoms.  Dropping your dose by 50% can put people into severe withdrawal.  If you go back to your original dose of clonazepam and the symptoms ease up then I'd say that the rapid benzo cut is the main culprit here.  Benzos should be tapered very gradually.


Good Luck.

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Most doctors worth a hoot  would recommend that you taper your benzo before your antidepressant seeing as depression and anxiety are major w/d symptoms. Once you are done your slow and steady benzo w/d you can taper the antidepressant. That is how most of the people on here have done it.


I was polydrugged too. Only when I got low in tapering did symptoms begin to let up and then I knew they were medication and w/d related. Until then I had no idea what was what. Some of my symptoms were side effects to benzos and some were w/d symptoms. And to be honest, even now that I am off all of them I am still questioning if some of my symptoms are benzo related or are real problems that need addressing. My point being, is that until we heal, and are a good year post w/d, it will be hard to tell what is what.........Hang in there and manage your symptoms as best you can and never hesitate to check with your doctor.


But if I was you I would take the prozac until I was done the w/d and as the previous poster said, make sure you taper in a slow and steady manner. Large cuts are too much of a shock on the system. Bama.xo

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Alabama, but how do you know when your "post-withdrawal" to figure out what's what?? When does one know if their ailments are lingering withdrawal symptoms or something bigger? I, too, want to go get checked out for this awful dizziness, but I also want to wait and see if it goes away. The big question is, how long does one wait?
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Post withdrawal is when you are no longer taking  medication. And once you are off them, it takes an average of a year to two for your brain to completely heal. That does not mean it will be hell for two years, it just means symptoms will slowly fade away. I had terrible dizziness all throughout my taper. Listen, if you feel something is unbearable see your doctor. If they can't find anything wrong and you trust them, then you have to assume it is w/d related.


Another way I used to test to see if something was w/d related was I would take a benzo. I would take a rescue dose of 0.5or 0.25mg clonazepam.... If my symptoms let up, then I knew it was w/d related for sure. I am not saying that it is a good idea to this, but hey when I was desperate and doubtful and wanted to stop the paranoia of thinking \i had some horrible disease even after the dr did tests that came back normal, I rescue dosed. I only did it a few times but it worked. It was always benzo related.

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Interesting. I've actually thought of doing the same thing. But, my second thought was that the rescue dose of benzo would just mask the "real" problem and I'd think it was only withdrawal. The mind can be so cruel sometimes!
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Paranoia and overthinking, over analyzing have been my biggest nemesis in w/d by far....i think it is all of our kryptonites! I also don;t see how a benzo could mask an underlying real illness? A pain killer yes, but a benzo? I think you give them too much power.  ;) but dont we all.........xo
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Well, when I was taking Clonazepam, I thought it cured EVERYTHING! Have a cold? Take a benzo. A hangover? Benzo! Stomach ache? Headache? Dizziness? Benzo! Benzo! Benzo! Shows how much power I gave this drug. I wouldn't go anywhere without it and I was reckless with my health because I knew I could just take a clonazepam and everything would be right again. Of course, now I know how WRONG it all was! I think that is why this withdrawal process is so painful for me, as I know I can't just pop a pill and make myself feel better. It's torture!
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I'm taking cozaar, colace, pepcid, clonazepam, temazepam and lyrica.  I'm tapering off of cymbalta and going back onto prozac.  I have several children who are debating whether my multitude of new anxiety issues are related to  cymbalta or the two benzos. 


My doctor says I did not have this anxiety problem when I was on prozac, so he is putting me back on prozac. 


A couple of months ago, I also reduced from 1.0 to .5 of clonazepam twice a day.


I am waking with panic attacks, my stomach is constantly in a knot, I am pacing the floors, I don't want to go out, I cry, I'm anxious, my arms are tingling. 


How do I identify the problem.  My kids are fighting constantly over my drugs.

I'm no doctor but I can almost guarantee that those are without a dob benzo withdrawals. I'm on a Bunch of meds too and I constantly ask myself everyday, what is causing what anymore. It just adds to the anxiety I know. You're not alone in this exact situation.

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