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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

ativan addiction


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Hello . My reason for joining is to find and communicate with people who are also dependant on ativan and who have successfully tapered of it. I've been on about 3mg of ativan for about 7 years for anxiety . I really want to get of it . I currently take anywhere from 2 mg a day 3mg a day . I just don't want to feel like I'm the only one who's going through this . I'm only human . So if anyone can help me through this tapering off ativan endeavor it will be greatly appreciated . Thank you .
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Hello inbetweenthelines. Welcome to the forum, we're glad you found us!  Congratulations on your decision to get off Ativan. We generally recommend a taper rate of about 5-10% every 10-14 days, though taper rates vary. Here are a few links you'll find useful:


General Taper Plans


Withdrawal Support (during your taper).


The Ashton Manual is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field.  She describes and explains withdrawal symptoms, and there is also a section with withdrawal/taper schedules.


Please take the time to Create a Signature.  This will allow others to see where you are in the process so they can better support you.


Again, welcome!




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Welcome  :) the best advice I can give you is to taper off your Ativan slowly. It is a very potent benzodiazepine....10 times stronger than valium. It also has a very short half life making it more difficult to taper from. Many doctors will do a cross over to a longer half life benzodiazepine like valium. However, we do have some members tapering from it. The one thing you do not want to do is to stop suddenly or do a fast taper. I stopped 8 mg of Ativan cold turkey 10.5 months ago and it was horrible. Let us know how we can help you. Again, welcome. It is always great to have a new member!
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Hello inbetweenthelines,


I, too, wouuld like to welcome you to the forum  :)


Congratulations on the decision to begin tapering!


As Megan said a slow, careful taper is the way to go after long term benzo use with cuts of no more than 10% of the current dosage every 10 to 14 days according to how you are feeling. Tapering slowly is advised to ensure that the withdrawal effects are kept to a minimum.


I would try to make a point of taking the same dosage of Ativan every day if I was you as inconsistent dosing or taking varying amounts will confuse your brain and can contribute to interdose withdrawal symptoms (between dose withdrawals) Consistent dosing is particularly important once you begin tapering to ensure that the blood benzo level is kept as smooth as possible, this makes for a smoother taper.


You are no longer alone, you are now in the company of others who are going through the same process and you'll be given plenty of support and tapering assistance.


I'm glad you found us and I wish you success with the taper.



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