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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Lost a lot, not sure how to proceed


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I am an alcoholic and stumbled into this mess of benzo addiction. I am currently taking around 3 mg of etizalam and 3 mg of clonazapam daily. I dont really know for sure since this stuff was obtained through the internet. Yes, I am in trouble. I've stopped drinking for the most part ( a couple of hiccups) since May when I went into a 4 day rehab. I told them about the benzo addiction but they sent me out with nothing. I went into with withdrawals pretty much when I got home. At this point I dont know what to do. I am just signing up.
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Welcome to the forum, jjsella.


We're a non-judgmental community and here to help with benzodiazepine withdrawal and recovery.  The danger of obtaining drugs online is that there's no guarantee of what you're getting, and I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that, but I wanted to say it at least.


If you are looking for tapering advice, this is a good place to start:  General Taper Plans  If you're about to be forced to cold turkey, here's where you'd want to start posting:  Cold Turkey, Detox & Rapid Withdrawal   


I'm not sure I'm following the timeline of your benzo use, but you can clarify that later.  Please include your benzodiazepine information in your posts.  To make that easier by adding it to each post automatically, you can go up to Profile, choose Forum Profile, write the information in the text box and click Change Profile.


Glad you're here, jj.



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Thanks. My usage has unfortunately gone up and the damage has increased. I'm 55 and my memory seems shot. I just got layed off of my job of 14 years. I can totally understand their decision given my state. I upped my total benzo usage to 6mg from 4 after this layoff experience. I'm going to attempt a taper plan as it seems my only hope. This stuff is soooo bad. I was actually off 2 years ago but I had diverticulitis and was at the end of my rope on that facing surgery and I found one mg pill of antivan. After a great night sleep I woke with no pain. This was amazing and I thought I found the wonder drug for my illness. Little did I know of the terrible consequences. I would have been better off having surgery :-\
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welcome  :) I think it really important that you do a slow taper. A second withdrawal from benzodiazepines can sometimes be worst than the first because of "kindling", where each subsequent withdrawal is worst than the previous one. I can't stress the importance of a careful taper. You are on a really high dose right now. You should also do it under the supervision of a doc.
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It was quite a while as I was prescribed them. I would say around a year starting at 1 mg and gradually going down to .25. At that time my primary took over that was my decision as I was clueless about the dangers of benzos. I just needed them to sleep. So anyway about a year. Stopped ct at .25. Then the thing with the diverticulitis happened. I actually had to go into the hospital. I kept having reoccurances and I had to go through multiple courses of bad antibiotics. So it just so happened I ended up dependent on benzos. :(

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I'm really sorry to hear that,,I'm sure you"lol get great support here as many in this group have a lot of different experiences and I'm sure you will find the best advice,,best wishes
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It was quite a while as I was prescribed them. I would say around a year starting at 1 mg and gradually going down to .25. At that time my primary took over that was my decision as I was clueless about the dangers of benzos. I just needed them to sleep. So anyway about a year. Stopped ct at .25. Then the thing with the diverticulitis happened. I actually had to go into the hospital. I kept having reoccurances and I had to go through multiple courses of bad antibiotics. So it just so happened I ended up dependent on benzos. :(


Do you remember what antibiotics you were given, possibly whether any of them were fluorquinolones?

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Yes. One was Cipro.. Terrible stuff.


Fluoroquinolones have caused a lot of problems for people, especially in combination with benzodiazepines.  I don't know much about it but in know a number of people here do.  You might open a thread in  Other Medications  asking for more information.

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I had a full blown panic attack in the hospital. First one. Thought I'd have to go to the psyc ward after. Now I get similar symptoms all the time. Extreme anxiousness , pacing, wringing my hands. However, I find if I keep busy with something I feel somewhat better. I'm grateful I found this forum. There are many other good suggestions. 
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