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Do u worry about dementia? I found this link...what do u think?


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You're surfing again and looking for bad stuff.


I do worry about dementia, but not from benzos.  My father had Alzheimers.  I have a concern that it could happen to me.  But it's not a concern that's really worth losing any sleep over.  It'll either happen or not, and my worrying about it will only make me suffer more during my good years.


As for the link.  I took their anxiety test.  I do not consider myself to be an anxious person under most circumstances.  Yet their test suggested that my life would be better if I gave them money and took their anxiety management course.  Bottom line - they want my money.  I'm very skeptical about any 'service' where separating me from my money is the prime directive.

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No doubt it's all about the money. 


But the data seems well written and helped me feel better.


I AM anxious right now, but the are not getting any money from me.

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It's not that there isn't any useful information there.  I just feel better when I can find peer-reviewed, referenced information instead of 'commercial' info.  Historically, I've felt better when I could insert 'NCBI' into the Google search string, but even then one has to be careful since many studies are funded by big pharma (or similar big business interests). 
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It's not that there isn't any useful information there.  I just feel better when I can find peer-reviewed, referenced information instead of 'commercial' info.  Historically, I've felt better when I could insert 'NCBI' into the Google search string, but even then one has to be careful since many studies are funded by big pharma (or similar big business interests).




What does NCBI mean? Bets

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I try to tell myself that it's impossible for me to predict my future or what ailments I'll deal with in my life. Honestly, the risk of dying in a car accident is probably higher than developing dementia. But we don't generally worry every time we step foot in a car. Try not to worry about it. You don't have it now- live in the present! :)
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I try to tell myself that it's impossible for me to predict my future or what ailments I'll deal with in my life. Honestly, the risk of dying in a car accident is probably higher than developing dementia. But we don't generally worry every time we step foot in a car. Try not to worry about it. You don't have it now- live in the present! :)


Wise words  ;D Thanks, court you've helped me find perspective!  :)

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I try to tell myself that it's impossible for me to predict my future or what ailments I'll deal with in my life. Honestly, the risk of dying in a car accident is probably higher than developing dementia. But we don't generally worry every time we step foot in a car. Try not to worry about it. You don't have it now- live in the present! :)


Wise words  ;D Thanks, court you've helped me find perspective!  :)


Glad I could help!  :)

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But, yeah, Jerry, Ive been extremely worried about dementia, alzheimers all manner of brain mayhem, these days. Ive had major depression, psychotic depression, panic attacks, gad, anxiety, anxiety, anxiety, used benzos for over 6 yrs now, and trying to taper. So, I am concerned, but doing all the things in my control to help reverse any issues that may come up years from now. I exercise, eat healthy, sleep well, keep stress to a minimum, all that good stuff.  :thumbsup:
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