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Why are some days so much worse than others?


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Does anyone have somewhat of an answer to this? Out of nowhere I got slammed today, absolutely SLAMMED! Totally Confused/disoriented.  All my head symptoms have gone to a whole other level. Feel like I went cold turkey or something, and as you can see on my signature I have not made a cut in forever.  Please buddies help reassure me that somehow this is just a random horrible day. How does this happen? I can't even drive today. No words could describe how overwhelmingly frustrated I am. I honestly feel like I stand alone with my one sided head symptoms or my crazy body temp changes. Ugh I'm going mad today. Please help buddies!!!
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I'm sorry that you're getting slammed today.  For me it always seemed like I would do worse on the weekends.  I didn't know why, but I hated it.  I would rather have felt like crap at work than on my days off (work is a better distractor anyway). 


There's no rhyme or reason to it.  It just happens.  Maybe it's the fault of the waxing crescent Moon (in Sagittarius, no less).  Who knows.  I hope you feel better tomorrow (and everyday after that).

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I'm sorry that you're getting slammed today.  For me it always seemed like I would do worse on the weekends.  I didn't know why, but I hated it.  I would rather have felt like crap at work than on my days off (work is a better distractor anyway). 


There's no rhyme or reason to it.  It just happens.  Maybe it's the fault of the waxing crescent Moon (in Sagittarius, no less).  Who knows.  I hope you feel better tomorrow (and everyday after that).

Thank you.  I dream of the day I feel as well as you. I'd rather that than win a billion dollars. No joke! I see zero hope. I see nothing that gives me any hope. I progressively just get worse.

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