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Is anybody else itching terribly?  This just started a couple of days ago and it is FIERCE!  I itch everywhere.....going nuts with the scratching.  I haven't taken anything new or changed any foods........ just all of a sudden my skin has dried up and even the soles of my feet, hands and the insides of my ears are itching.


Gawd, and I thought the world going purple was a strange symptom.....



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My mom has been struggling with really bad itching for a few month now. I'm wondering if years of zopiclone and trazodone are causing it - though it is strange that after many years of use it would just start now. She has had many tests done and the doctors have no idea what is causing it.
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  • 3 years later...

Old thread, used the search function.


Im itching alot... anyone else with itching one of the primary symptoms?

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