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Caught a cold during Withdrawal, can it bring back old symptoms?


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I've been experiencing a resurgence in perceptual distortions (which where almost gone this summer) and the like and I'm trying to place my finger on the reason. I'm quite scared as I'm convincing myself I'm going mad or something. Is it possible for a cold to bring back some old symptoms from the past? What could be the reason for symptoms of the past to show their face again? Especially considering I haven't done any drugs or anything, neither natural or prescribed; and I live a sober lifestyle.
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Absolutely yes, a bug can and usually does bring about a recurrence of symptoms if we're still healing from this. It may take a week or two longer to feel better after the bug is gone, but you will feel better soon, I'm sure. 
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That was my suspicion! I'm doing my best to ignore it...but I psyche myself out a lot and start to panic thinking "I'm going crazy," "There's something else wrong with me," "Am I schizophrenic now!" That's what this beast does to us :/
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  • 10 months later...
Im glad I found this post. I thought I was pretty much healed until I got a cold this weekend. It brought back the weird heart beating, and spaced out, D/R symptoms. Its strange how a cold can bring back symptoms so hard. Anyone know why, besides the "our CNS has been compromised and we just need to heal" generic answer?? I thought I was healed until I got a cold. Very strange!
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I'm not sure why, but every cold I've had during wd has set off a bad wave. When that quits happening that's when I'll know I'm healed.


I agree. Having a cold must affect the gaba receptors some how...

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  • 2 weeks later...
When I get sick, my adrenals really ramp up with stress producing hormones (cortisol and Adrenaline).  It may be as simple as that.  take care of yourself and it should pass.
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