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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

15th day since jump...


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...and I have yet to experience w/d.  (knock on wood) In fact, every passing day is better and better since the klonopin has left my system.  I feel more "normal" than I have this entire year.  My anxiety has even returned to my normal levels.  This is a good sign, right ???


The only thing that is really left is hypochondria.  I have this awful sense of doom.  I suspect that's because I foolishly googled so many symptoms during my taper and convinced myself that I might be dying, even though I obviously wasn't.  Now, I don't feel like I'm dying but all of these conditions that I learned about has me paranoid, I don't want to get any of them! :( I read this is common in medical students, as well.  I just don't know how to shake this awful fear of illness now.


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That's terrific news and proves what a slow taper can do.  Very happy for you!

The feeling of doom might actually be your only symptom, it's been reported many times by people in withdrawal.  If so, it will disappear with time.

Challis  :thumbsup:

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Thanks, Challis! 


I hope you're right!!  The months prior to me jumping were seriously god awful, wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy!  It's hard for me to even come to terms with the fact that I don't feel that way anymore, I got stuck on feeling that way and had even so much as accepted it, "Well, guess this is just the way life is gonna be from now on!"  :( our minds are so strange in that regard.  Now that I look back on that, I think to myself, what the heck was that ?!


So glad I did a slow taper, too.  I know it was still somewhat faster than most here, which made the process unbearable at times, but I couldn't imagine what it would've felt like to c/t or rapid!  Just so happy to have the junk outta me! :)

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You're one of the lucky ones...glad it's going well.  I know I'll never, ever take another benzo after what I went through.  I asked my doctor to write on my chart that I should never be given a benzo even in a hospital setting.  That's probably somewhat of an overreaction, but I have a real aversion to medications now.



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It's been such an extremely rough year for me, the worst ever actually, not even counting the benzo w/d.  I'm praying I am one of the lucky ones because I just can't handle much more right now, I will if I have to though.  I hope this is God's little gift for me to finally have a break from the severe negative energy that was hitting me from every angle.  That's probably where a lot of my doom & gloom is coming from, as well.  What a year... :(


I'm definitely thinking of doing the same as you, that stuff just didn't mix well with me.  I don't know if it's because I hardly ever even touched a Tylenol prior to this, or what!  I've never been big on medicine and even when I did take OTC stuff, I'd have to take the children's dose! :D

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