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Terror, please reassure me.


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Im feeling filled with terror as soon as the sun comes up. I cant control it or shake it. I feel scared to be alone. I cut over the weekend, and this started yesterday. The terror feeling is new. I need some words of comfort. This is torture.


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Mornings were always the hardest for me.  It helped for me to get busy when I woke up (even though I didn't much feel like doing stuff).  Hopefully, things will calm down for you as your day progresses. 


You're going to be fine. 

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Yes mornings have so far been the worse for me as well....So sorry your feeling this KickinIt.....I had this sooo bad ..I hated to wake up...morning after morning......However there is good news...It does subside..it really does....I m not sure if it s been just a matter of " time " for me....the GABA s kickin in and regulating that glutamate?...the cortisol settling down?.....however I am wondering if the Vit C/ Magnesium I started a few days ago has helped....I have noticed I m sleeping better....5 to 7 hours...and the rushes have decreased significantly....hang in there BB... :thumbsup:
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I take it in the morning Kickin It..I had heard that Mag can rev some folks up so I thought I d play it safe.....It didn t have that affect on me thank goodness....It s powdered...Calcium/mag/vit C! combo!...I m also having Chamomile Tea just before bed!..These are all things I ve added within then last week or so...and don't worry about your manners...just get yourself well BB.. :smitten::therethere:
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I have severe fear with Ativan withdrawal, too.  It's horrific.  Words can't describe what hell it is.  My heart breaks for you.  I just prayed for you.
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Hang in there, it will subside.

My bedroom became my "safe place" until the terror ran its course.

Getting out of bed was too difficult so I read, stayed online or tried lists ending to music.

It will go away.


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Benzo withdrawal effects blood sugar, which tends to be low in the morning anyways.


I eat a high protein breakfast soon after waking. This really helps settle blood sugar problems (I have low blood sugar anyways, prior to benzos).


Also, getting protein in makes you stronger to deal with the cortisol rushes than come in the morning.

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I'm sorry, but somehow, it's normal for some people to experience this terror. It has nothing to do with vitamins, cortisol or blood sugar. It's just severe withdrawal and you cannot do anything about it just to keep going ...
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