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Clonazepam taper from .5mg after 36 days of use


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Hi all new member here. And I'm looking for some advice on my original plan to taper by .125mg each week.


So I started a dry cut taper of Clonazepam five days ago. Going from .5mg to .375mg at bedtime. And I must say it has been a struggle in the mornings with a brain fog / hangover feeling that lasts most of the day. It's really tough to handle.  But at least in the evening, as I write this, these symptoms begin to fade.


I see others talk about stabilization. Is a week too soon? Should I wait until I am more stable (less foggy) at .375mg before tapering further in two days?


If I stay at .375mg for a while should I start to notice a lessening of fog symptoms?


Any suggestions are very much appreciated. Dealing with this is so difficult.

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I would err on the side of caution and go with two weeks rather than one.  If your only symptom is brain fog, you're doing well.  My guess, and this is only a guess because everyone's different, is that the brain fog could last throughout the entire withdrawal and for a little while afterwards as it does for many of us on the forum.  However, in general the slower the taper, the less symptomatic you should be.


As I'm typing this, I can't see your signature...if you are a very short term user you may well be able to cut faster, but if you've been on Clonazepam for longer than a couple of months, a slow taper is advised.


See how it goes for another week and then decide how and when to cut, that's how I'd do it.



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Thank you Challis!


I think I've finally achieved stability after my .125mg cut down to .375mg as I'm not having any symptoms the last few days and feel so much better.


But tomorrow night (day 14 of my taper) I was planning my second cut. Cutting 1/8th (.0625) to go from .375  down to .3125.


I'm a bit worried that even a .0625 cut may bring back wd symptoms. If so is going back to .375 and tapering 1/16th an option?


I'm encouraged by my progress but it was a real struggle to get this far so I'm hoping to avoid any mistake with my next cut.




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Thank you Challis!


I think I've finally achieved stability after my .125mg cut down to .375mg as I'm not having any symptoms the last few days and feel so much better.


But tomorrow night (day 14 of my taper) I was planning my second cut. Cutting 1/8th (.0625) to go from .375  down to .3125.


I'm a bit worried that even a .0625 cut may bring back wd symptoms. If so is going back to .375 and tapering 1/16th an option?


I'm encouraged by my progress but it was a real struggle to get this far so I'm hoping to avoid any mistake with my next cut.


It sounds like you are doing really well.  :) :) :)It sounds like you are stable. If it was me I would try the cut. You will probably feel some symptoms as a result of the cut, and then stabilize. You can always up dose if the symptoms are too much. Good luck. Let us know how it goes.

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Things are going good!


Four days ago I did the 1/8th (.0625) cut from .375mg down to .3125mg. And thankfully I did not feel any symptoms at all from the cut.


So I'm thinking of cutting another .0625mg when I finish 7 days at .3125mg. That will get me down to .25mg.


My first cut of .125 was over 14 days. But I had wd symptoms and had to wait for stability.


Does 7 days at .3125 sound reasonable before my next cut? I ask since I have not had wd symptoms with the .0625 cut and so no need to wait for stability.




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