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How many people get hit really badly at 3-4 months out?


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There are probably many topics about this. I'm in such an enormous wave that it's hard to go looking.


Is 3-4 months out a common time to get absolutely slammed?


I was feeling a little better a few weeks ago and starting to get sort of weak windows. A tsunami came along and hit me about 3-4 weeks ago and it's horrendous. I'm right back to early severe acute. I've been in acute all the time but this wave is like the worst part of early acute. Everything is slamming me with a vengeance.


Do a lot of people have this experience at this sort of time?

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Hi buddy. It looks like you've been off for the same amount of time as me. I'm so sorry you are also in the thick of it.


Goldilox, I'm sorry you've been slammed too.


I hope this wave passes for us all soon.

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Hi all, I'm 6 months off...but I remember months 3-4 were awful!!! I don't know why but everything seemed to hit the fan from 3.5 months off through August! Six months off and I'm in a wave...sigh. The good news is the longer were are off this stuff the closer we are to healing (that's what people tell me).


You are not alone.  :'(

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Months 4-5 were close to acute for me.  Horrible wave compared to how I felt month 3.  I have been in a window since month 6 (7th now) and it has been getting better.  There is hope!  Hang in there!
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Months 4-5 were close to acute for me.  Horrible wave compared to how I felt month 3.  I have been in a window since month 6 (7th now) and it has been getting better.  There is hope!  Hang in there!


Now that's what I want to hear! I really want a positive turning point soon ss minow! Thanks for sharing!

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Thanks all for your replies. It does seem like months 3-6 are notorious for getting slammed.


Lovingmother, I'm sorry you're in a horrible wave. I think we are all feeling very seasick on these stormy waters!


Ssminnow, I'm really glad to hear your in a window. Long may it continue.

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Thanks all for your replies. It does seem like months 3-6 are notorious for getting slammed.


Lovingmother, I'm sorry you're in a horrible wave. I think we are all feeling very seasick on these stormy waters!


Ssminnow, I'm really glad to hear your in a window. Long may it continue.


Seasick is a great description! Sad but true!

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There are probably many topics about this. I'm in such an enormous wave that it's hard to go looking.


Is 3-4 months out a common time to get absolutely slammed?...


Do a lot of people have this experience at this sort of time?


Yup, i had a total panic attack around month 4 and took a day off work, followed by 2 weeks of yuck symptoms that gradually lifted. hang in there :sick:

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Well I've read on forum we shouldn't really compare,but we all do it anyhowsen.Yep ,at the 3rd month ,beginning of physical pain sxs started and got worst with more and diff sxs.I'm at about 7.5 months out and only until 2 weeks ago am I able to walk w/o pain in ankles and bottom of feet.

Getting stronger and able to do more.,but this week tachycardia happening more often and that funky feeling in chest just before panic attack comes and goes.  So as we have all read this THING ain't linear in healing.  But we do start to see some light finally,thank The Allmighty!  Hang in there guys,don't listen to the demon benzo brains we have inherited thru these meds,it's the false you .used to think and fear of being bed ridden,but now able to help wife around house and shop and cook and function . Two months ago it was bed to couch . Prayers are being answered


          aj <><

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