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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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Hi I'm Marie! Iam  10 days benzo free! I have had many ups and downs so far! Days I feel like I'm dieing, about to have A seizure, and days o feel like I'm almost healed! What I want is my life back! I have 5 kids, a job,2 dogs, and bearded dragon.I use to love to run, now I just sit in fear most of the day!

What do you miss most before benzo hell?

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Hi Marie good morning,


thats great your benzo free 10 days , its been 43 days for me since i last took Xanax, i felt alot of fear of what may happen to me quitting my low dose of xanax without a doctor's guidance. I felt ok after 2 weeks except im a smoker , smoking feels/ acts like caffeine when being a stimulant i messed up last night having 2 cigarettes late at 930pm & 1130 before bed, i had trouble falling asleep i took a valerian root tablet.

I want my life back too, i know ill probably get denied ssi disability so i want my brain in good condition to go back to work when i get denied at my next court hearing next April.

you seem strong to be able to continue to work I feel my best when i activate or use my treadmill , i felt those fears often im wondering how long this is going to last i worry that i may die so a week after i quit xanax i wrote  a long letter to my family & friends & to my boyfriend Evan in case if i die , i keep my feelings to myself i dont want to worry anyone how i really feel inside .

I live a quiet life now i used to enjoy working alot & going out with my friends ,sometimes its difficult to leave my house far away . even though alcohol is the main reason why i started benzos i would love to feel better to be able to drink again except ill just drink in moderation

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Hi Marie,I have xanax free for 3 days now .Things are ok  having a lot of withdrawals bad side affects.Its hard to sleep,Hard to really do anything.I used to run work out doing arobics but I haven't been able to do much except sit around.Sure hope it changes soon hope it gets better for you too.        Froggy(Toni)
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Marie,I have depression,can't sleep,memory loss,Anxiety,trouble with vision,stomach problems ,my hair falling out.And many more things .They come and go,thru out the day.                                          Froggy(Toni)
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Hi Babyangel,Yes I went and got a few vitamins today.Havent took any yet I'm so tired out but can't get any sleep.Hope your doing good.                                                                                                        Froggy (Toni)
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hi toni im doing well i slept very very well yesterday and today ughh i cant fall asleep its 3:49am right now :(


vitamins releive alot of withdrawals especially the b vitamins & magnesium

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Miz Katie,

  I read your post about drinking, and it bothered me enough to jump in here...alcohol triggers the same 'pleasure centers' as benzos, and could be cause for more problems. Why they're called pleasure centers when they cause so much grief is beyond my pay scale. You're so lucky to have escaped your benzo hell early in your life...please be careful...I like reading your posts, and you seem to crop up everywhere...m

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hii texas star ,


thanks for your concern about the  pleasure centers of the brain. a friend who recovering  from 7 years of benzo use and quit advised me not to take vitamins to just let my cns in my brain heal, i was taking 8 vitamins a day.

umm if i try drinking again it will be a  long time from now like 2016 and ill just go very lightly just a few beers to see if i feel ok from that. i smoke alot less cigarettes now as well, it feels like nicotine is a stimulant that has similar negative effects on the brain as excess caffeine .


what part of texas are you from im from corpus christi nice to meet you,


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I miss going to concerts. I used to see over 100 a year for the past 10 years. It is just not a good environment for me now and I am too tired after working to make it out. Too everyone in this thread that is benzo free, congratulations. I hope I can join you soon.
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I miss going to concerts. I used to see over 100 a year for the past 10 years. It is just not a good environment for me now and I am too tired after working to make it out. Too everyone in this thread that is benzo free, congratulations. I hope I can join you soon.


i missed out on a classic rock  concert i wanted to go to last month i had just quit my xanax , it was a band i liked from 2008 when i first started liking classic rock music from a xbox 360game guitar hero that had foghat one of my fave bands then

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