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What is a "rescue dose"


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I do not plan on having one, but am curious as to what it is, is it going back to the dose prior to the last cut - taking an extra pill - or taking the amount one feels they need in order to gain the relief that these pills offered during the first two weeks of use (way back when they actually felt effective?)
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Rescue doses are probably a bit variable, depending on the person, but basically it's an extra amount that someone may feel they need to take to get themselves out of trouble or because they are experiencing a particularlt stressful situation.  From what I understand of rescue doses they tend to be more of a one-off thing where the person will fairly quickly return to their normal dose.


This a bit different to an "updose" where someone will feel they have to increase their dose to a higher amount and then taper down again from that higher dose. Anyway, that's my understanding of it, but someone may have a different definition.

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