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Ummmm...urinary issues?


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Maybe tmi, but have had issues with urinary frequency and urgency, and wondering if others have had this problem during brnzo use and during taper. Doc found nothing. Seems to be just during the day. Worried it won't go away.
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YES!  It's a very typical anxiety symptom.  When I was in acute, I might urinate 15 times a day and when the stress got worse, the frequency got worse.  Direct correlation between anxiety and urinary frequency.  Now that the anxiety is more under control, the frequency is back to normal.  If your doc didn't find anything there's no reason to think it won't go back to normal.  Do you feel anxious?
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Maybe tmi, but have had issues with urinary frequency and urgency, and wondering if others have had this problem during brnzo use and during taper. Doc found nothing. Seems to be just during the day. Worried it won't go away.


I have to get up three times a night to pee. Plus, I urinate every hour on the hour during the day. Yet, I have no anxiety. Weird, huh?

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I guess the anxiety might be from the taper as I was initially prescribed for insomnia 3 years ago. Funny, pre benzo 3 years ago, I could go most of the day and only hit the boys room a couple of times.
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When my anxiety is high I have to pee what feels like very 2 seconds. During a panic attack I have to go even more, I'll get up and go lay down and as soon as I start to relax get back up and pee again, and not like normal pee just a little. I notice as my anxiety/panic comes down I can take a "good/normal" pee.
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When my anxiety is high I have to pee what feels like very 2 seconds. During a panic attack I have to go even more, I'll get up and go lay down and as soon as I start to relax get back up and pee again, and not like normal pee just a little. I notice as my anxiety/panic comes down I can take a "good/normal" pee.


Yep, I experienced the same thing  :crazy:  Sometimes I might pee only 1/2 teaspoon, funny how the urge to urinate is so strong with such a small amount of urine in the bladder.

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When my anxiety is high I have to pee what feels like very 2 seconds. During a panic attack I have to go even more, I'll get up and go lay down and as soon as I start to relax get back up and pee again, and not like normal pee just a little. I notice as my anxiety/panic comes down I can take a "good/normal" pee.


Yep, I experienced the same thing  :crazy:  Sometimes I might pee only 1/2 teaspoon, funny how the urge to urinate is so strong with such a small amount of urine in the bladder.


it's so aggravating  >:( i mean i have not felt like i had to pee bad and peed a lot, during high anxiety and panic I feel like I can't hold it and they little dip.

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