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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

11 months-crippling symptoms? MENTAL TORTURE!


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I go from being positive to downright frightened.

I'm having the most disturbing symptoms-STILL. It has been since June that the extreme dp/dr set it...that was 5 months ago. Before was 24/7 terror, but now this is 24/7 Dp/Dr.

All I can say is I have a very very very very extreme case of Dp/dr. It is so extreme. How can this be? How Can it be this bad?

Am I really someone that isn't going to heal? I cry all the time. It is just so intense with no let up. Why?

Am I someone that isn't going to fully recover? Maybe I'm just so fragile...I'm really really losing hope. I don't know what else to do? I don't think there is any medication that could even help with what I'm going through...please, any thoughts?

I'm starting to believe this is no longer w/d...how can a drug effect someone to this level? I just want to know why I'm not significantly getting better?

Is anyone out there in the same shape? It isn't physical pain -MENTAL existential torture ALL day! Looping thoughts all day about death, still. I just don't know how much longer I can live like this...I wouldn't want to live. It is no life.

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I was just as bad as you, if not worse. My withdrawal was extreme. But - I have healed, and so will you. Right now, you are the stage where you are scared out of your mind, being besieged with weird, uncontrollable thoughts and feelings. That is normal for some of us. No one knows why, but people have different sets of "worst" symptoms. Some people have physical symptoms - pain, muscle twitches, etc. You and I are the type who have bad mental symptoms. And it doesnt mean anything...... it just IS. People like you and I heal just as well as anyone else, and don't you disbelieve that. As long as you aren't taking a benzo, or are reducing your dose, you are healing all the time. At some point, you will start to feel better...and you will be able to look back in amazement at how far you've come.



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I'm almost 11 months I also have bad dadp, about a hour ago my heart rate took off to 110 it wasn't as high As acute but now in home alone scared to death I might die. How can this be?? I am almost 11 months hit a wave 2.5 weeks ago now I'm acute.... Anyone have anything to help us this far out??
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Thank you so much eastcoast62 and Timeforachange!  I needed to hear that tonight!

I've had super super intense x 10 dp/dr since Sunday. I have it all the time, but since Sunday it has been just incredible.

Thanks guys!!!

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Good Evening Happy Me,

I hear you! I get incredible surges of anxiety. I practice a technique to just "ride it out." It always goes away, but my god! It is a burning sensation all over my body and my heart races. It hits me daily right around 2 pm and stays for about an hour. I read that it is just my "flight or flight" neurons firing. As horrrrrible as it feels, try and remember it's just your brain misfiring. I know for me I get so upset because I'm almost a year benzo-free. It messes with my logic.  I long for the day when the chemicals work themselves out and no more misfiring.

I spoke to an expert (long story, but a true expert in anxiety disorders for over 20 years and works for a stellar hospital in my area), and he said the worse thing to do in a panic attack or feeling anxious is to stop what you're doing. If you're doing the dishes, just keep on doing them. If you're working on your computer and it comes on, just keep doing what you were doing. To get up and try and "distract" and pace and move around ONLY confirms to your body something is wrong-it makes it all worse and drags it out. I can't stop these anxiety surges because it is my brain working out its "balance," but I know I can exacerbate the process.  So to answer your questions, YES! 11 months out and get acute-style anxiety surges. However, nothing is as bad as months 3-5 when it was 24/7. I got 10 gray hairs in 1 month just from the 24/7 anxiety-my first grays. I was having 5-6 panic attacks lasting 20-40 mins. daily...I'll never know how I endured those 60 days. I've never had panic attacks in my life except from w/d. Like so many others have said: benzo w/d anxiety makes my puny anxiety look like child's play. Think how much we'll be able to handle when we're healed! Anything is better than benzo chemical w/d!!!!!!

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Well said!! It's so scary to be ok for a few weeks then boom back into this hell! I'm sorry ur suffering too there's nothing on wart worse than this, nothing! I hope in a few months we can look back and not remember how hard this is, how it messes w our heads and our bodies. I also try to ride it out but I gave in to my beta blocker 110 was kinda high just sitting then my head takes off what if..... Now in bed in fear! I'm hanging in there I pray for u and for me!





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Happy me, we haven't been in touch for awhile.  Can you believe this?  I think we were doing better in acute.  How long can this last?  I am right there with you...dr, bed ridden in fear alot.  Have you found anything that helps?
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Yes this is true, how are you worried one??? I was great for months this pastthree weeks have been hell!  I am not on any new meds just my synthroid. I can't breath all the sudden and heart rate took off last night at the movies not sure of I ate some msg or what!? This wave the worst yet in not real sure this far out almost 11 months that we are supposed to feel worse?  Hope u are ok!!


Happy me

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