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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Symptoms persist, is reinstating a viable choice after 7 months C/T?


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So, my friend's symptoms are persistent: back pain unrelieved, intermittent grinding noise, bouts of hyper-smell, worsening 'spongey' feet, imbalance, poor sleep with CPAP, poor sleep without CPAP, intolerance of my ignorance, and frequent "I just can't take this anymore".  Reinstatement is becoming a common topic, and I need help with this. Sometimes I'm ready to just bag it, and sometimes I think I'm gonna be bagged :'(. I won't, unless I'm run off, but that seems to be a possibility. I DON'T know what it's like, I have a real good outside look from these forums, and the only way I could know is to take benzos for awhile and quit...NOT GONNA HAPPEN. What do folks who stand outside the ring do that makes you insiders feel better? What do outsiders NOT do that makes you feel better. Is reinstatement and taper after 7 months a good idea? I so understand anxiety.
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Oh my God, don't even think about that,,,,

If not those evil souls that put me on those poisons by force,,,,

You will be reading my success story already after 5 months off after 1st cold turkey,,,,



:smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

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So, my friend's symptoms are persistent: back pain unrelieved, intermittent grinding noise, bouts of hyper-smell, worsening 'spongey' feet, imbalance, poor sleep with CPAP, poor sleep without CPAP, intolerance of my ignorance, and frequent "I just can't take this anymore".  Reinstatement is becoming a common topic, and I need help with this. Sometimes I'm ready to just bag it, and sometimes I think I'm gonna be bagged :'(. I won't, unless I'm run off, but that seems to be a possibility. I DON'T know what it's like, I have a real good outside look from these forums, and the only way I could know is to take benzos for awhile and quit...NOT GONNA HAPPEN. What do folks who stand outside the ring do that makes you insiders feel better? What do outsiders NOT do that makes you feel better. Is reinstatement and taper after 7 months a good idea? I so understand anxiety.


I am sorry your friend is feeling badly. Reinstatement is typically done when symptoms are debilitating or life threatening. The best window to reinstate is within two weeks of stopping benzos, per the Ashton Manual. Anything past that is just a crap shoot. It comes with risks. One being that because of kindling, a second withdrawal can be much worse than the first. One also risks reaching tolerance almost immediately or having a paradoxical effect, where the drug has the opposite effect of what it should. All of this are real risks. I have read many many posts by those who reinstated with deep regret. Recovery can sometimes take up to a year so I personally would hang in there.

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There is nothing saying that reinstatement won't help but there's nothing saying it will either. I was in hell at 7 months off and I still have some pretty bad days but it's not worth giving up all that time. Keep fighting the good fight!
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It must be very frustrating to care about someone going through this. People in withdrawal can be very difficult to deal with, I know.

I wouldn't advise anyone to reinstate, frankly. Kindling is a very real risk for some, and all the other reasons benzos-r-cruel mentioned. Your friend is undoubtedly fed up, frightened, and at this point doesn't know of any way other than pills to get relief. Many of us thought about reinstating. I know I did, and to be honest, the real reason I didn't was because I was so paranoid of doctors at that point. I am so glad I didn't do it, because as time has gone by and withdrawal has slowly gotten better, I am now realizing how far down I had gone, and how far up I have come now.


Is your friend on this forum? If not, why not?



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C35, thanks for the support.

EC62, thanks, again, and I'm sure not for the last time. Yes, my friend is on the forums, but recently has refrained as it seems to ramp her up...the CPAP and Holter monitor have her climbing, us climbing, the walls. While I'm certain in my mind this is another wave, it's not me that has to go through this. We're making it a bit at a time, and that's just the way it is. I see the improvement over the last 7 months, but it's not my body going bump in the night or my skin crawling, so i need the positive yall so generously offer. m

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Its good that your friend knows to stay away from the forums right now. Some people become overly sensitive and start "absorbing" every symptom they read about. Plus, some of the posts can be quite frightening.

I missed something - does she have sleep apnea and that's why she is using CPAP?



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  Yep, sleep apnea, although one office said it was hypopnea, not apnea. I'm beginning

to get it that the opinions in the medical profession exceed the practitioners. I understand that ruling out medical complaints allows for peace of mind. However, the CPAP 'must' be worn for a minimum of 4 hours a night for 30 days to establish an approved baseline...sounds simple, unless your anxiety is already roof-over, sleep for an hour is a pleasant surprise, and you are required to lay on an angry back...then, there's the little matter of the claustrophobic 'appliance' strapped at five points to your face sounding like a hurricane...

  Honestly, the 'apnea' might be a spin-off of withdrawal symptoms, and most likely is, but once it's plugged in to the healthcare network :idiot:...yeah, there was a communication from one person who said that sleep apnea could kill her if she didn't use CPAP... :thumbsup::crazy:...so, she's off the internet for awhile :smitten:

thank you for the breaths of fresh air  and the positive reinforcement...m

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Now the intervention being discussed is smoking a little mj for sleep and relief. I'm trying to be really open-minded about this, and lord knows I have smoked my share in the past, but mighten this exacerbate symptoms? She has already scored, and was fearful of telling me because I might get angry...I'm not, but I AM concerned. Hell, I don't know, maybe it WILL help...any experience out there? Thoughts? m
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I smoked MJ a few times. It didn't help but made things worse. I had extreme problems breathing, became paranoid, mind became stupid, and was very hungover the next day. I have never done well with MJ though so my opinion might not matter that much. I just know that it did not help.
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Now the intervention being discussed is smoking a little mj for sleep and relief. I'm trying to be really open-minded about this, and lord knows I have smoked my share in the past, but mighten this exacerbate symptoms? She has already scored, and was fearful of telling me because I might get angry...I'm not, but I AM concerned. Hell, I don't know, maybe it WILL help...any experience out there? Thoughts? m


Smoking MJ is a risk. For some it xalms them down. For others, it can unleash Pandoras box and open a new gateway into hell. Not something I would experiment with while my brain is messed up.

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Thanks for the input Phallix and Orion. How about CBD(CDB?) oil? Near as I can tell, there are no stop-gap measures or quick fixes, just t i m e, t. i. m. e.  t.  i.  m.  e.    t.  i.  m.  e.        m
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Thanks for the input Phallix and Orion. How about CBD(CDB?) oil? Near as I can tell, there are no stop-gap measures or quick fixes, just t i m e, t. i. m. e.  t.  i.  m.  e.    t.  i.  m.  e.        m


There are fixes to this, just not pleasant. Bacopa, Ginkgo, and there was one other that have cured people. Just runs the risk of the opposite as well. I actually read a story today buried deep in benzo free celebrations where some lady ct'd off a high dose of clonazepam and was healed in 90 days. She posted all the stuff she did help herself and ginkgo was in there. Lol.


If I didn't have any heart or breathing anxiety I would be outta here and healed (hopefully) with ginkgo. Stupid OCD I didn't have before benzos.

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I honestly believe that its better not to mess around with most supplements. Some of them affect the gaba receptors, and other affect other essential parts of the CNS.

Texasstar, I believe that the only thing that heals us is time. TIME. We are so trained to think that if something is bothering us, we need to find something "to take" for it. Our culture tells us this, our doctors tell us this...we are brainwashed into believing it. You turn on the TV and there are commercials for all kinds of drugs. You start to buy into the myth.

It was this kind of thinking that got many of us into trouble with benzos. I, for one, don't want to make that mistake again.



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It was this kind of thinking that got many of us into trouble with benzos. I, for one, don't want to make that mistake again.




agreed, east, the real pushers are in the background. The 'lucky' ones are those with the time for time. I'm in no hurry, but, then, it's not me...

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