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Dare I speak too soon? Breathing issues have let up tremendously!!!


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I can breathe again! Its almost back to normal, still feels a tint bit off. Still kinda focused on it. But that's because of the anxiety. Come on brain, time to hammer more side effects!!!! I wanna write my success story at 3 months!!! Let's do this!!! :D



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I can breathe again! Its almost back to normal, still feels a tint bit off. Still kinda focused on it. But that's because of the anxiety. Come on brain, time to hammer more side effects!!!! I wanna write my success story at 3 months!!! Let's do this!!! :D




You can do this. You are doing this ! I am so happy  :) that you can breathe again. :yippee:

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I can breathe again! Its almost back to normal, still feels a tint bit off. Still kinda focused on it. But that's because of the anxiety. Come on brain, time to hammer more side effects!!!! I wanna write my success story at 3 months!!! Let's do this!!! :D




You can do this. You are doing this ! I am so happy  :) that you can breathe again. :yippee:


Thanks BRC! I am and I will :) And if they come back, that's OK! Because I now know that it was just a symptom of withdrawal and that my lungs are nor permanently fucked up :)

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Happy for you!!!  It was a huge mark when I could breath normal again.  Think my breathing was mostly normalized by the end of the second month. :thumbsup:
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