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Peeing all the time is still a thing...


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i have posted about this before but since like 2011 I've had to pee all the freaking time and have been tested for everything and it all comes back normal, used to be much worse when i really reflect but its still bad, i think it peaked the other week for me when i jumped off but I'm very uncertain its a w/d sx because  its so unpredictable.. I match almost all the criteria for prostatitis and even have pain between my penis and ass... Ive journaled my pee and so far i average 13 times a day!
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I had this so bad during SSRI withdrawal too.  I couldnt do long distance drives or take the bus cus i was afraid i needed a washroom.  And on the first night i got off benzos..i peed in my sleep!!! So embarrassing.  Then after that was a constant need to go.  Has to do with the nerves that send signals from bladder to brain.  It has died down and i can go several hours without needing to go now.  Ive spent several years running to a urologist who only wanted to give me anti spasm meds.  Thank god i said no.  I had no idea it had to do with my med changes and withdrawals.  I think it would only be a concern if u felt pain or peed blood.
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I think it's nervous pee.  When I get head pressure, I have to pee and I pee alot, volume-wise.  Before benzo's, if I would get nervous, I'd have to pee.
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I would have to pee more when nervous, like before big college tests, pre-benzos.  It was a big problem for me for the first 3 months and again in a bad 5th month wave.  I had one night a few weeks ago where I pushed my self, fishing with old friends all day, drinking 2 beers and trying to be normal.  I peed about 8 times that night.  It has gotten better though. 
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