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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Terrible teeth like disorder


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Before jumping was waking up at night with jaw locking pain. Then started noticing severe teeth pain which lead to a loose tooth which had  a root canal. Anyway 3 surgeries on same site still terrible pressure....do not know how to explain pain feels like some teeth are frozen or band around area and squeezing like muscle tightness. Due to pain I touch area with tongue non stop so my face feels hard and weak my top of my roof feels numb a lot,face tingles which make me feel unable to relax nonstop.

does anybody have teeth that feel like they don't belong to them. oh let's not forget twitching what is this

Help ....please.



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I had teeth/nerve pain after an extraction and that is what caused a dentist to give me Valium...little did I know what I was taking or what issues it would cause.  I thought I had TMJ issues so continued with random Valium and TMJ treatments....kept getting worse! Looking back, I think my initial problem was hugely exasperated by the Valium.  I believe your pain is most likely due to muscle tension and clenching or grinding in sleep. Also looking back, I noticed my worst tension on one side of the jaw, along with tooth pain began after I took the Valium more consistently over the summer and then had a long interdose vacation. Im a little over six weeks free and one of my first symptoms to relent was constant tension in my jaw/massetter. It still comes and goes but is not incessant.  I have had a good deal of pain in the upper right molar area but as I continue to massage the muscle and be aware of clenching, it seems to be settling.  I also had facial spasms....felt like my muscles on my face, scalp and around my ear were twitching but you couldn't see it.  Also, bite was off and difficulty chewing and speaking.  Def seems related to WD and I hope all resolves since I started with dental issues. It's hard to know if WD or a true dental issue.
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That's funny just sent you a reply....I don't know anymore if it's withdrawal or a dental  problem buts it's terrible ....dentist wants to go back in surgery site when looking at scans looks like some sort of pocket I've had three surgeries....this is a nightmare...all my teeth feel lose when chewing it scares me...jaw and face are tight.....and I wear a nite guard every night......I think the Benz started the jaw locking during sleep which effected teeth, chewing, even problems chewing like jaw gets heavy and can't take anymore bite movements it's really hard to explain.

Where you on Benz before teeth problems occurred?

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Yay! Someone like me! I'm totally with you! All of my symptoms started with jaw, facial, teeth issues mainly AFTER I started benzos.  Never touched an RX med prior to that other than antibiotics. I was getting old metal fillings out, then one of the teeth that I had a filling replaced in had a nerve die and then got infected.  This is what lead to the extraction and then nerve pain...and then Valium! I didn't have any muscle pain or problems chewing or sore teeth till during the benzos....probably tolerance withdrawal because a I was only doing here and there, low dose...but for 18 months. I feel like my night guard makes me clench more but it's bulky.  If I feel I can sleep without clenching, I do without the guard so my mouth can rest. Try to chew gently, soft foods or liquids for a while and do gentle stretches. Keep tongue on roof of mouth and don't let teeth touch unless eating.  I ended up at the a University Dental school /pain clinic before a I put the benzo variable together.  They said definitely muscular and recommended naproxen and physical therapy with therapists trained in TMJ/facial issues. They can show you how to massage and how posture and muscle strengthening can help.  Also, make sure to get magnesium in your duet or supplement.  They have magnesium oils you can massage into face. Hope that helps.  Let's stay in touch!
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Also, I personally am waiting a bit more before anymore surgeries or dental work.  Too much trauma, and the more we do, the more our muscles and nerves overreact!
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That's funny just sent you a reply....I don't know anymore if it's withdrawal or a dental  problem buts it's terrible ....dentist wants to go back in surgery site when looking at scans looks like some sort of pocket I've had three surgeries....this is a nightmare...all my teeth feel lose when chewing it scares me...jaw and face are tight.....and I wear a nite guard every night......I think the Benz started the jaw locking during sleep which effected teeth, chewing, even problems chewing like jaw gets heavy and can't take anymore bite movements it's really hard to explain.

Where you on Benz before teeth problems occurred?


If you've had the tooth worked on, pockets can occur.  This is something a dentist should be consulted about, in my opinion.


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Yes, definitely. If something is visibly wrong, address it. If the dentist can not find anything, it may be more muscle or nerve related.
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This whole thing is confusing cuz normal X-rays of teeth everything looks fine,but this special dentist did a 3d scan which shows shadows but doesn't know if surgery will help....confused...to me pain feels like nerve pain....and it got worse when quitting clonzapam....which brought on severe muscle tension all over....it's been a long year.....going back tomorrow to net....due to root canal was in sinus cavity when removed....and all three surgeries they had to reclose sinus cavity.....the taste could be coming from sinus cavity......don't know
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I know how frustrating it is when you don't know cause of your pain. If you poke around and feel the muscles around your jaw joint...inside and out, see if they are sore or tender in spots. These can be trigger points. If you massage them, you may get some relief. If you find a tender spot and push, you may get referred pain to another area. Search referred pain and trigger points online and you will learn a lot. Are you seeing a Dental pain or tmj specialist? They will know more about sorting out what is musclular and nerve related versus tooth related.
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My dentist told me I was clenching my teeth at night, and it was causing sensitivity, gum recession, jaw tightness, for a while my jaw was so messed up from the clenching it made pronouncing my words clearly difficult. And my jaw was constantly tired whenever I chewed my food. I never had those problems before withdrawal. And they are getting significantly better now months and months later. Did your dentist say if he thought you were grinding/clenching your teeth at night, I know that can cause all sorts of problems, and make things worse.
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I saw a tmj specialist who wanted to fit me for a brace you wear all day for 4000.00 but he said had some tmj symptoms but not extreme then another dentist said he didn't know if I had tmj but front teeth show grinding. I do wear a night guard the dentist made for sleeping but seriously my teeth feel loose,severe pressure in certain teeth I kid u not when I bend over some feel like they are going to fall out its so bizarre

Thanks everyone for your support .....

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Ashley, thanks for sharing. Reassuring to know this is a temporary symptom. I had the talking problem too. My teeth hit funny if I'm not careful. My jaw used to randomly slam shut. That has gone away but teeth are still off when I bite and I still have tension in my jaw and some tooth pain. Good news is so think clenching and grinding is resolving.
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The teeth not belonging to you or weird feeling and sensations or feeling as if there falling out or replacing and sensitivities is quite def classic benzo withdrawal. And can persist for a long time a year or more. But if you feel something isn't right still,that dentist visit never hurts. Be safe.
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Thanks for responding, Its my life......I keep seeing a dentist on regular basis....I just would love a little relief......

But I'll remember your reply.  It will  help me get through another day

Thank you

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I have had pain in some part of my body from day one. I just woke up one day and my cheeks were on fire. Several weeks later my teeth all hurt like they were being drilled on. Packing with ice is the only help I found. Its taken my jaw and facial nerves 5 months to heal. Hope this helps someone.
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Thanks so much for your info it helps....I would just love some kind of window from mouth issues....I'l keep praying for a little tiny relief soon



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I have never had a true window from pain. It is always in one area or another. In the healing stage it can be pain in all areas from head to toe. It just gradually gets less intense.  That is my experience.
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I had a root canal, minor gum surgery, suspected gum disease (it wasn't but my gums were bleeding and puffy) terrible tooth pain all while tapering and after my jump from klonopin. Severe  infection in my gum that lead to the minor surgery. Teeth felt loose with aching pain and constant pressure. It took months for my mouth not to bother me. Never had problems like this. Feel better.
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I'm still having my mouth and face pain and tension as well but it changes daily, so I know it is WD and also had it when in tolerance.  I know the muscles are to blame and they are irritating nerves! I keep rubbing and massaging my massetter for relief. Tonight I released trigger points on the side of my neck (sternocleidomastoid) and that seemed to really help release tension...thus decreasing pain in teeth. This is driving me crazy too....it is relentless and irritating and difficult because it affects talking and eating. But, I have had a few patches of time here and there so I know it can go away. I also keep holding off on going to the dentist for bite adjustment or night guard because I know the muscles are off so it will be hard to get an accurate assessment.
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I'm so glad I found this thread, I've been tortured by mouth and jaw symptoms for the last 16 months and I don't often see people describing what I have.  Tension in my mouth (hard to describe), severe jaw tension and I used to get that thing where you can't close your teeth properly.  I have bad tension in my jaw too.  I used to chew gum all the time to relieve the tension, but that started to irritate my tongue. 
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Heck if this teeth pain keeps up I'm going to want to start a support group for buddies suffering with teeth/jaw/face pain.

What do you all think?

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Does anyone have a weird taste in mouth?....I swear it's coming from where tooth was extracted...taste like bitter,I can't explain but it's there 24/7....just another weird thing
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