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Nerves stopping me from getting to sleep?


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Well after coping fairly ok since stopping Clonazepam 2 weeks ago- I appear to have hit a ditch. I was averaging about 7 hours of sleep a night, then it dropped to 5 hours and last night it was 2, and tonight... Well it's 2.30am and I'm still awake. I was having panic attacks which was making it hard to getto sleep, but I'm not panicking anymore. I just get this sensation at night that my whole body is pulsating, like my nerves are buzzing. I wonder if that's why I can't sleep properly? Does anyone else have this problem? Also, I can't stop FIXATING on sleep! I think that's also part of the problem??
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Clon, from what I've read, it sounds like normal w/d symptoms to me.  They can really waffle from good to bad during your first year or so off.  I know that's not the most comforting thing to hear, but it seems to be pretty common on this site.  Maybe try some over the counter sleep aids, some get relief from benedryl or unisom. 


Fixating on sleep when you start to have insomnia is quite normal.  You must try not to do that, I know, easier said than done.  Before you turn in for the night try to do something that you find very relaxing.  Do you have any guided meditation you can listen too?  Perhaps an Epsom salt bath, some deep breathing for 15 minutes or so.  Anything to get you into a state of calm before you lay your head down.  I like chamomile tea, even just the smell relaxes me.  Also magnesium glycinate works well for some.


Best wishes and please keep us posted.



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I know for me it is kind of a spiraling effect and then I start worrying because lack of sleep makes my tinnitus worse.


It seems like our systems can be so fragile on this stuff. If I try to go down from 1.5 mg clonazepam at night I wake up earlier and earlier. They added Remeron for me and that helped for several months but also added about 2 lbs a month as well.


So not a lot of advice because I can always go to sleep it is staying asleep that is my problem. I don't even necessarily wake up anxious but listen to your tinnitus long enough and lay there long enough and it will make you anxious.


I will say for going to sleep I was always advised start slowing your mind down make your bedroom just for sleep not for gaming or TV etc. I usually just read in my bedroom something that is not mind blowing.


For what its worth you are not alone.



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Thank you both for your tips! I find I do feel better when I take magnesium, so I think I'll go back to that!


TimAngst- you  could try beta 3D  Glucan  or a supplement to reduce your cortisol levels to see if that will help you stay asleep longer!

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clonazo-pain, are you sure your nerves are keeping you from sleep? Could it be your high cortisol levels? I am learning that this is common in w/d. High cortisol levels when trying to sleep.

At times my CNS feel's as if I have ice water running through me veins. Goose bumps and prickly face. This was especially true at 30 days clean. Could not sleep due to my CNS being on overdrive.

I am taking a supplement called Seriphos. I think it is helping...as, I am not getting the nerve feeling every night. I purchased from Amazon as I did a search on Benzo buddies and many are getting relief from this.

Here is a link! Hope you find your sleep!!!! without it can we heal?



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clonazo-pain, are you sure your nerves are keeping you from sleep? Could it be your high cortisol levels? I am learning that this is common in w/d. High cortisol levels when trying to sleep.

At times my CNS feel's as if I have ice water running through me veins. Goose bumps and prickly face. This was especially true at 30 days clean. Could not sleep due to my CNS being on overdrive.

I am taking a supplement called Seriphos. I think it is helping...as, I am not getting the nerve feeling every night. I purchased from Amazon as I did a search on Benzo buddies and many are getting relief from this.

Here is a link! Hope you find your sleep!!!! without it can we heal?





Thanks so much for the link! I do think my cortisol levels are extremely high- I went to my naturopath today and she gave me some herbs to bring those levels down. Are you sleeping better since taking the supplements? How long have you been on them for?

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Well after coping fairly ok since stopping Clonazepam 2 weeks ago- I appear to have hit a ditch. I was averaging about 7 hours of sleep a night, then it dropped to 5 hours and last night it was 2, and tonight... Well it's 2.30am and I'm still awake. I was having panic attacks which was making it hard to getto sleep, but I'm not panicking anymore. I just get this sensation at night that my whole body is pulsating, like my nerves are buzzing. I wonder if that's why I can't sleep properly? Does anyone else have this problem? Also, I can't stop FIXATING on sleep! I think that's also part of the problem??


What you describe is exactly how I felt when I stopped taking the Xanax (and sometimes on it, usually morning when I would wake up, I would feel like my chest was vibrating and cold, my stomach would feel the sensation of hunger but like a chilly filling inside too) eventually this lead to me not being drowsy or able to fall asleep.


I think it's just your body trying to cope with the fluctuation of stress hormones and the not having something chemical to counteract it.  Like the scale was just dramatically tipped in the other direction because the counter balance was removed.  I found the feeling to go away after a few weeks, but the sleep is still a problem of mine ( 5 weeks and two days since last dose) -- but it's slowly improving, I'm having vivid dreams and trouble falling/staying asleep, but I see small improvements weekly)  so at this point it's all about mental toughness, a few days of kicking yourself, and a few weeks of just being like: I'm gonna get through this, I will be normal and balanced again.  Just the body can't work as fast on it's own, unlike a chemical added to it.


But think of it as a baby, did you come out of the womb walking, no you had to develop the strength, coordination and muscles to do so.  So think of it as a natural development, it takes time to grow in to your new state of being.  I keep that perspective and it keeps me from rushing to the Dr for help, because all they are gonna do is temporarily give you a solution that will chemically take you 10 steps back. 


Give yourself a good few months, you'll be okay :D

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