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Just thought I would share this bc it shocked the hell out of me. Here we are basically fighting for our lives to come off these poisonous drugs that have ruined our lives. Xanax stole every ounce of my life from me! My relationships, my career, my self-worth, my identity. Everything got stripped away bc of being prescribed Xanax for sleep. I became ill in 2011 and had to quit my job and basically became bedridden bc I was so sick. After finding bb I understood about tol wd and interdose wd and realized it was the Xanax making me sick so I began a taper this yr in 2014. But that was 3 yrs after being sick all the time with no answers as to why. Here is what happened the other day that totally had me flabbergasted. I went to visit a friend. (Now, my friends have barely seen me over the course of this 3+ yr process bc I am in bed or on the couch in a robe just trying to stay alive! I don't go out, I don't socialize. Something very different than my pre benzo hell self! I am a shell of what I used to be! My friends know, though most do not understand, that I am wding from Xanax. None of them understand the process but all have watched me just wither away to nothing with no life, no job, nothing.) So I am explaining to my friend where I am in my taper and how much more time I have left. She is confused but supportive. Than ....




This, I believe is one reason why we have such a problem with benzos, bc even when a person watches someone they love crumble completely from the drug, talk about the utter hell they are in bc of benzos, people never think it could happen to them and they want it. Then they get addicted or dependent and are in the same situation. I didn't even know what to say to her. No way in hell would I pass on benzos to another person....even my arch enemy!...I am not going to be part of the problem!!!! After my last dose they are destroyed!!!


I just don't understand .....you would think any one that has been around me these past few yrs and knows my fight and pain would steer so clear from any benzo related drug. I honestly don't understand!!



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Hey, Grinch.


People never cease to amaze me - in both good and bad ways!


I think we have such a misconception over words like "addiction" and "dependency" that's wrong from the core.


I was told by various psychiatrists for 30 years that you have to "crave" in order to become "addicted". And in order to become "dependent," you have to first become "addicted". In other words, when I've voiced complaints about the bipolar cocktail (which for me and many others includes benzos), I was told I don't have an addictive personality, therefore, I cannot have a problem with the drug. I stayed at a therapeutic use for years, even after complaining of severe memory problems.


I never upped the dose, I never "craved" it, and yet, I was hopelessly and helplessly "dependent".


It wasn't until I started getting lost and horribly confused in my own neighborhood that I started searching online for answers and thank G-d, found BB.


When psychiatrists can't even get it right (and keep in mind, this whole field of study is about becoming an "expert" in how the mind works), I guess it's really hard to blame people with no medical training for thinking these drugs are safe. Until the definition and the culture changes, we're left running in circles, getting us nowhere.


My friends (the ones I have left) are understanding in that they're are kind to anyone who doesn't feel well. But they have a really hard time believing that I have almost no memory of the past two years.


I just glad I have you, Grinch, and other BB's to validate all of this.


I hope you're doing well today. You're so close to the jump, my friend.  :smitten:

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Just thought I would share this bc it shocked the hell out of me. Here we are basically fighting for our lives to come off these poisonous drugs that have ruined our lives. Xanax stole every ounce of my life from me! My relationships, my career, my self-worth, my identity. Everything got stripped away bc of being prescribed Xanax for sleep. I became ill in 2011 and had to quit my job and basically became bedridden bc I was so sick. After finding bb I understood about tol wd and interdose wd and realized it was the Xanax making me sick so I began a taper this yr in 2014. But that was 3 yrs after being sick all the time with no answers as to why. Here is what happened the other day that totally had me flabbergasted. I went to visit a friend. (Now, my friends have barely seen me over the course of this 3+ yr process bc I am in bed or on the couch in a robe just trying to stay alive! I don't go out, I don't socialize. Something very different than my pre benzo hell self! I am a shell of what I used to be! My friends know, though most do not understand, that I am wding from Xanax. None of them understand the process but all have watched me just wither away to nothing with no life, no job, nothing.) So I am explaining to my friend where I am in my taper and how much more time I have left. She is confused but supportive. Than ....




This, I believe is one reason why we have such a problem with benzos, bc even when a person watches someone they love crumble completely from the drug, talk about the utter hell they are in bc of benzos, people never think it could happen to them and they want it. Then they get addicted or dependent and are in the same situation. I didn't even know what to say to her. No way in hell would I pass on benzos to another person....even my arch enemy!...I am not going to be part of the problem!!!! After my last dose they are destroyed!!!


I just don't understand .....you would think any one that has been around me these past few yrs and knows my fight and pain would steer so clear from any benzo related drug. I honestly don't understand!!






You don't honestly understand because THEY don't understand the hellish nightmare. I avoid any of my friends who want my drugs as a Momma's little helper. I tell them if they are so hell bent on ruining their lives, then go online and buy them. THEN they will understand how pleasant this experience will be for them.

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Grinch, I had something similar happen just the other night. A person I know told me that if I had any Klonopin left after my taper, they knew someone who would be interested in buying them off me.....I flat out said NO WAY! I could and would never sell this poison to anyone, it has ruined my life to, and now I am having the insomnia, which I don't know at my age if I will even make it through this taper alive.


People are down right crazy, I don't want anything to do with destroying someone else's life. I couldn't sleep at night knowing I did something like that, I can't sleep anyway, but you get my drift. These Benzo's should be banned from the market, they are nothing more than sheer poison!



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My last day taking a tramadol, that bottle went bye bye. I plan to do the same with the Xanax....


BYE BYE!!! I don't even want it in the house! My last day WILL be my last day ever on this crap!! No going back!! EVER!!



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Grinch, I had something similar happen just the other night. A person I know told me that if I had any Klonopin left after my taper, they knew someone who would be interested in buying them off me.....I flat out said NO WAY! I could and would never sell this poison to anyone, it has ruined my life to, and now I am having the insomnia, which I don't know at my age if I will even make it through this taper alive.


People are down right crazy, I don't want anything to do with destroying someone else's life. I couldn't sleep at night knowing I did something like that, I can't sleep anyway, but you get my drift. These Benzo's should be banned from the market, they are nothing more than sheer poison!




Right! What kind of a person would I be if I just sold or gave my friends or family the med that destroyed me? To me it's the same as giving someone heroin!! No difference in my book!!



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I which world I live in?, I mean, I live in a dangerous country due to narcotraffic, and i do know few people who smokes mariguana and lots of people who are prescribed Rivotril. But i know nobody who takes Rivotril for getting high...I knew that I was addicted, but never craved, never updosed. Now, I know I am dependant on Rivotril (clonazepam), so horrendous symptoms!...but I know more people on Rivotril than on mariguana. Some of those taking Rivotril are 3 members of my family, for example my Mum, who takes 0.5 mg every night. I told her she needed to taper,she said to me that this was impossible for her,  after me insisting so much, she asked her doctor, who said she was 75 Years old, why "to quit"???...i keep on insisting...see what happens...the other 2 members of my fam ( an aunt and uncle) are starting or about to start their taper, a big campaign I'm doing... What a country this is!...full of drug cartels  but people take more Rivotril than Mariguana, since this "med" is prescribed by normal doctors as if they were candies...So your comments really opened my eyes, what if some of the people I know  take Rivotril for getting high???

Just a quick note, my Dad took Rivotril for 2 or 3 monthts, quit suddenly because he didnt want to go to the dr for a new prescription and my Mum did not want to share Her pills!!!, my sister took Rivotril for 4 Years and taper for a week since she got married and her beautiful child is now 3 and half Years old...when I told her about my taper she said: "Ahhh! That explains my insomnia for more than 2 years...incuding the 9 month pregnancy period".

My facebook friends and family are, I think, tired with my anti-Rivotril campaign, I do not care, nobody needs to get through this hell...


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