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A slightly different way...


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I wanted to share the following as it seems to have worked for me.  Maybe it will work for some other people as well...


I guess I don't fall under any normal taper category. In a sense, I did it my way...  :)  I followed a very flexible taper schedule, watching what I can handle every single day but at the same constantly putting pressure on myself to take less (or even nothing on certain days), whenever I could, just to see, if I could handle it and to get used to the way it felt.  Instead of fixed maximum daily doses I have been setting "not to exceed" daily dose targets. But to be honest, I took higher doses occasionally... Mainly for job interviews and when anticipating heavy stress at work. Never had any pre-determined target durations for any given dose ether. Since  picture is worth 1000 words, just see my chart below. As it stands, I have taken Klonopin 3 times over the past 3 weeks. Nothing in 5 days. I consider this an enormous success...



I have been on K most of my adult life and for years could not even imagine living without it.  The taper was brutal at times but now I am actually feeling quite OK, to be honest, and very upbeat.  If I had the luxury of staying at home, this would be the end of my klonopin story. But... I am about to start a new job tomorrow and will probably take some more K in the upcoming weeks again. Not that I want to. I am just afraid I will have to. I have not been benzo free long enough to develop solid stress coping skills.  This may sound like I am looking for excuses but I do not think I am. This approach is based on my self assessment of what I can handle right now. In a way, it is in line with my entire taper philosophy. 

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It sounds like you know your body best. If it was me I would not up my dose for the up coming week. You have come so far and tapering after you up dose could turn out to be more difficult that what you have just gone through. Have you talked with a doctor about taking else to help with your anxiety. I take Propananol for my anxiety and it helps immensely. Perhaps there is an alternative to benzos.
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First off, Congrats on doing it your way with success uaydak!

Just from reading people's posts on here compared to my own experience I am convinced that we are all SO different when it comes to this tapering process. There is no 'one method fits all' at all!

I'm interested in Atenolol and Propananal. These meds help with anxiety and don't cause dependance the way benzos do? I'm so scared to add any other chemical to my brain but at the same time am always looking for some kind of relief!

Any input greatly appreciated!

Peace, Billly

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Atenolol works for me and it does so in a big way! I really wish I was offered beta blockers instead of benzo many years ago...  But I guess, a lot depends on the type of anxiety you have. It may not be good for everyone.


I know you have to watch your blood pressure when you start taking it and when you stop.  Now, after 6 months I know how it affects  and I have no real problems of this kind.

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