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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

How long after ct or rapid withdrawal do seizures occur


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Marie, the chances of you having a seizure are miniscule. I know you worry about this a lot. I would take the energy you put into this worry and put it into thoughts of being healed.
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I worry about the same!! especially now that I think I'm getting the DP/DR symptom! WTH! I thought I was doing so good! back to happy healthy thoughts of getting thru this crap! Hour by hour.. Day by day!
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I did end up talking to a psychiatrist and he told me not to worry about seizures either.He said my symptoms should start getting less in 2 to 3 weeks considering the dose and amount of time I was on. So let's see if I can stop this worry cycle.Im very thankful for all of you here! :thumbsup:
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Benzos r cruel


I have the tingling and vibrations, mostly vibrations. My muscle jerks have become alot less! My sleep is off and on.more good night's than bad.when I have bad sleep my symptoms are amplified!

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Those are all classics symptoms of withdrawal marie. I think it is great that you are having more good nights of sleep than bad nights. My symptoms when I did not sleep well, which was frequent in early withdrawal, were always magnified on the days where I slept horribly. It made a huge difference when I slept. I think that as your sleep improves the intensity of your symptoms will diminish. There will be a time when this is all behind you, I promise!!!
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When I sleep it's pretty tolerable.When I don't sleep it is all down hill! I talked to a psychiatrist and he said,"do not take anymore of this drug, you are 10 days out, you only have traces left in you, in a few weeks it will be all gone and you probably will feel better considering your short use and small dose". I hope he's right.I know he's only guessing and we all heal at different rates!
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He IS right, marie. However, just because the drug itself has left your system, that doesn't mean you will necessarily start to feel great. Our bodies sometimes take time to recover and heal from the damage that benzos do. You know this, but I wanted to remind you.

Not sleeping well is horrible, I know. (Oh, how well I know!) But it isn't going to kill you. It just makes you think youre going to die. Just tough it out, those nights you don't sleep much. Find something boring to do, and fill the hours. And definitely start learning more about "sleep hygiene."



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