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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

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I had a real busy night and I had some caffeine soda a few hours ago, I never drink caffeine late in the day. I just got this sharp like pinching pain in the left side of my chest not by my heart more like under my breast bone. I never felt a pain like this but im anxious at the same time. Now my eye is twitching and I got another sharp pinching pain in my left leg. At the same time I feel kind of dizzy and restless. I'm scared I'm having a stroke. I'm having these weird pinching sensations in different parts of my body. Now I'm working myself up to a full blown panic attack.
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If you are feeling really worried about a stroke, i would go to a place like urgent care or the ER.  This happens a lot, people coming in thinking they are having a heart attack, but it's really a panic attack.  But the danger there is that they may want to give you a benzo...and then i would tell them no, i am allergic to benzos.  I don't know, i am still new to this, hopefully one of the more experienced BB's can help you out?
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I agree with NoFun. If you get checked out and they rule out something serious, then you can rest easier knowing that it's probablynwithdrawal. Still sucks but better than having a stroke, right?


But they will probably want to give you a benzo - having it in your chart that you are allergic to benzos is probably the best insurance against this.

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I had a real busy night and I had some caffeine soda a few hours ago, I never drink caffeine late in the day. I just got this sharp like pinching pain in the left side of my chest not by my heart more like under my breast bone. I never felt a pain like this but im anxious at the same time. Now my eye is twitching and I got another sharp pinching pain in my left leg. At the same time I feel kind of dizzy and restless. I'm scared I'm having a stroke. I'm having these weird pinching sensations in different parts of my body. Now I'm working myself up to a full blown panic attack.


I noticed you too took Lexapro. Made me utterly nuts in 7 days. Dumped it immediately, only to get slammed with the first signs of tolerance/withdrawal from xanax. Much better now, but not a ride I wish to take again. Best of luck. Most definitely get it checked out, but I too had some nasty pains upon withdrawal. Seems w/d related, but never forget that your situation may be different.


Hang in there...I'm day four benzo free and my acute stage is in it's dying moments. I can see the light and the end.

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