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Tingling in fingers and toes and odd burning sensation


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a new couple symptoms that have come out for me is occasional tingling in the tips of my fingers and toes. Also having what I think are the burning sort of sensation only on the top of my left foot stays around for a few seconds then goes away. No pain just an odd sensation.
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My body is pretty numb but I noticed the tingling sensation in my toe as well. It would only last a few seconds and be gone. I still get it every now and then. I thought it was weird but it didnt bother me. I dont know if it is normal or not so I just kinda moved over it. Strange to say the least.
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Oh yes. Had intrusive thoughts off and on all through my first year (I am protracted at 25 months). It got much better, but even now it happens once in a while. When it does, I automatically do what I was taught to do: picture a stop sign and say (not out loud) "Go away thoughts. I don't want you and I don't need you." This was what someone here told me to do, and it worked.



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ill try that, the thoughts are so weird and disturbing, like images of me hurting myself or others, I mean its something I know I wont do but just me having these random thoughts is scary, my neck will usually twitch right as I have one or ill squint my face or something, might appear to look like tourettes or something to someone else.
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