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Anxiety and restlessness this am. Feel like I'm crawling out of skin. This had been better. Took a long time to fall asleep last night. Fear meds are losing effectiveness which would create a huge problem. Very scared and hopeless after two decent days. Losing any shred of optimism.
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I guess I need to focus on two better days.




I know it's hard to do, satch.  Once those days pass it's difficult to remember we had them and that they'll be back.  But they will.

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Horrible night last night. Couldn't get to sleep until 3am. Meds aren't knocking me out like they were. Very scared I'm getting worse. Please pray for me and help me.
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Having two better days is a very positive sign, satch. You are healing. Yes, focus on those good days, and keep plugging on because there will be more good days to come.



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