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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

New member planning titration


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I a man, a writer, and have been on benzodiazepines nonstop for the last 15 years, having successfully stopped on three occasions before this 15-year period. I am presently on around 4.25 mg of Valium (a very hard dose to be precise about, as we can only get 5 mg or 10 mg Valium where I am--so my sleep and my daily ability to cope goes up and down).


I have recently been thinking of the titration method, and decided to buy a beaker that has 100 markings. But my first effort failed; I didn't realize I needed a mortar and pestle, and could not get the pill to dissolve evenly.


So, planning to start my journey soon, and have some questions.


Such as: how do you make sure your powder is evenly distributed through the mixture. How do you know a 2% decrease is actually a 2% decrease?

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Hi, seeker-nomad.


Welcome to benzobuddies. Glad you found us.  :)


You will find a lot of information and support here.  I was on benzos for a long time, as well, and I understand the sleep and ability to cope problems.


I didn't use the titration method, so I'm unable to answer your specific questions through my own experience. However, please check out the Titration Taper Plans section, as there are many members who did successfully use this method and can answer your questions.


A good resource about benzodiazepines is the Ashton Manual. Here is a link to the manual: Professor Ashtons Manual  It’s great for learning about these meds and for taper plans. Ashton recommends reducing between 5 - 10% every 10/14 days.


In addition to the Ashton Manual, here are some other resources:


For tapering advice, post here: General Taper Plans


For support with any symptoms you may have, post here: Withdrawal Support


Please add a signature (history of medication/doses etc). It will help members give you relevant advice. This link will show you how to Create a signature


Please let us know if you have any questions.


~ Mind

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Hello seeker-nomad,


Welcome to the forum from me too  :)


I used the titration tapering method because the lowest strength pill available in my benzo was 5 mgs so it was almost impossible to make a very small, very accurate cut to the daily dosage. I found titration to be a very successful method of tapering and had very little problems. To make sure that the suspension was mixed well I always made a point of doing a backwards and forwards swishing movement before I drew out my required dose. Many people avoid stirring and shaking because stirring can cause a vortex and shaking can cause bubbles which can leave particles stuck to the side of the container. The Titration Tapering Plan board has all the other information you will need to get going, Mind has given you a link to that board and you can post here for assistance with a titration taper plan if need be.


I'm glad you found us and I wish you success with the taper.



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Welcome  :) unfortunately all I can do is say hi. I have no experience personally with titration plans, but Mindseeker was given you a great link to our titration board. You should be able to get all the advise you need.  :)
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