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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

104 days. Still in acute?


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dolphins, its ever so scary and one thinks one is going insane all right.

acute wd can be pure torture , my one took around four months.( but i'm a bad case )

hopefully , yours will be over earlier.


the only way is the way through, stay strong please, you can do it. :smitten:

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I found going for walks, sometimes for hours at a time helped.  I would walk til I fell down.  Then sleep for a bit, eat something and walk again.


Hang in there.



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I  have been feeling awful worse as the days go on and I jumped July 11. Today I feel so angry betrayed by people and just lost. Absolutely lost. This is awful I hope us July jumpers feel relief soon.
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I hope so for all of us. Thoughts are horrible.


If it makes you feel better, I spent almost 2 hours today feeling like no matter how much air I breathed in I wasn't getting any oxygen. Obviously false. And I knew that. Lol But its so hard to fight off the stupidity. And, I also thought I was gonna suffocate and die in the shower this morning. Thug life. YOLO.

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My point of the previous post is just to let you know that you aren't the only one suffering. :) I'm pretty good for where I am compared to most and I still get hit with the weird stuff.
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Does anyone feel like they have a million different people talking to them?


Unrelenting voices or statements on top of the feelings of depression anxiety.


Can't think my way out though I try

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Those are racing thoughts. VERY common in withdrawal. I have that too, but only in short segments of time. I dont know if you have that all day long, but distract distract distract. You can do this. :)
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I had this for months, and distracting myself was the only thing that helped. Mine went all through the night, since I was hardly sleeping at all. Very upsetting! But it goes away.



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I got some things done today. Negative emotions and thoughts by the score........changing constantly....anyone relate??


My insecurities see VERY pronounced.....

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I got some things done today. Negative emotions and thoughts by the score........changing constantly....anyone relate??


My insecurities see VERY pronounced.....


Hey dolphins! If you feel physically fine, just put all you got into what you can do around the house. Watching TV or something where you kinda veg out won't be helpful as you aren't truly focused on that. Try and re-organize a room or clean clean clean!!!  If not, do something that requires a lot of concentration. Like a game or something.

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I am going to a movie tonight...I was typing on my computer and my mind starts to get confused and a vise clamp pressure comes on......all kinds of stuff but I keep going.....my mind cant think!!


Is tis part of the deal....

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I am going to a movie tonight...I was typing on my computer and my mind starts to get confused and a vise clamp pressure comes on......all kinds of stuff but I keep going.....my mind cant think!!


Is tis part of the deal....


Yeah, it's common. Your brain is overstimulated, so we kinda take a backseat. When I explain the experience to other people I say that me (concious) is taking the backseat while another force (I say subconcious, but I dont think that's it) is driving. So that's why its hard for you to control the experience. Distraction is the only way we can kinda gain control. But that's because its hard to think we are going crazy while trying to clean and focus on that. Haha. Have fun at the movie :) You deserve it!

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Dolphin, hang in there.  I promise you it gets better.  And, I know its hard.  I am not 100% healed but my life used to be one big wave with little tiny windows.  Now at 9 months its a window with small waves that come and go.  The beginning is tough and I am not like walking on clouds yet but much better...  Everything you have concerns about and I mean everything I went through and felt the same way.  Stay strong you can do it!!!!!    Good Luck,  Miss.Jen
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I am also dealing with a very loud inner critic and authority voices that I seem to automatically check in with to see if I am aloud to do or say things
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