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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.



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I checked myself into the mental hospital for about 10 days, and have been out for about 10 days now. I was feeling hopeless, and am still feeling hopeless.

The psychiatrist put me on Topamax, which he said he was using off-label as a mood stabilizer.

I have read all the other posts on the forum, and Wikipedia, and crazymeds, and I would appreciate any feedback about this drug.

I don't want to be on it.

It scares me.

Thank you for taking the time.

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Glad you made it through your hospital stay and are back here where you belong! I just looked up the drug and it's s/x are longer than my arm. It seems to be a one size fits all medication but little proof that it helps various illnesses.
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my sleep doc put me on Mirapex for restless legs. I noticed that Topamax is also used off label for this. I did a bunch of research on Mirapex and decided that I would not put this poison  into my body. I imagine the two drugs are similar. Mirapex is a Dopaminergic medications, which replace or imitate a brain chemical called dopamine, were developed to treat Parkinson's disease (PD).

If your Topamax is a dopaminergic med..which i think it is. Be aware of what is DAWS. A heck of a withdraw that can last for years.

Dopamine agonist withdrawal syndrome: DAWS

many are suffering from the real time withdrawls of these drugs. If you can.....flush the script!

stay away from another drug that could ruin your life.

I am so sick to death of doctors!


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Topamax doesn't cause years of withdrawal.  It's a good mood stabilizer and they use it in benzo withdrawal.  You'll have to decide for yourself what is best.  If your having a mood disorder and need to take something then I would get with your doctor and work with him.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Does anyone know more about Topamax helping with benzo withdrawal?

I ask because I have been on it about 6 weeks with no good effects, and may ask the dr. to get me off it tomorrow.


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It's used for benzo withdrawal.  You just have to taper off of it when your doctor directs you to if it's not helping you.


God bless you,


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