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Nighttime anxiety & panic


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I have horrible nighttime panic & anxiety attacks.  Usually anywhere from about 3 or 4 am on.  I take .5 mg of Klonipin at bedtime theoretically to help me to sleep & I take 20 mg of Lexapro in the morning.  I am a chronic worrier & whenever there is something bothering me, the nighttime attacks get worse.  But lately they seem to be always happening & I know I am not getting enough sleep.  Sometimes during the day I am barely dragging myself around.


I don't think the Klonipiin is doing much good if it can't prevent these things & I am totally unwilling to take a larger dose. I'd like to get off the Klonipin completely but I know I'd have to take something else because of my chronic anxiety (GAD).


I am wondering if either Melatonin or Benadryl would help & would they be safe at the .5 Klonipin dosage?



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I use organic lavender oil , writing down what I feel , and tapping on my forehead between my eyes. All tips from my Dr. They really help ! I also play anxiety relief from YouTube . After a little bit that puts me too sleep . Hope this helps :)
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