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cog fog experiences


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I had terrible cog fog for a long time. I could barely read or think. Thinking too much caused head pain. Along with the cog fog was heavy head pressure and dizziness. I would also keep putting things away in cupboards, but in odd places. This happened so many times that I gave up questioning it.


It's really lifted a great deal, but it's definitely not totally gone.


Feeling loopy is part of it, and not being able to think straight.

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I went even tell you how many things have ended up in my refrigerator. Shoes, dog toys, keys, cellphone. Yeah, my brain checked out back in March and I've been refrigerating footwear ever since.  :crazy:
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Cog fog, which always occurred along with head congestion and other head symptoms, lasted a long time for me.  It was always worse in the mornings and got better in the evening--this pattern was repeated every day for over a year.  My mind would go blank, I'd forget how to shift gears in my car or why I'd walked into a room, and it felt as if my IQ had gone down about 50%.  It wasn't pleasant, and it was one of my last symptoms to leave, but it IS gone now.  For my full story, please see link below.



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